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Benoît Pelopidas
Journal Articles
Unfit for purpose: reassessing the development and deployment of French nuclear weapons (1956–1974)
Cold War History,
Journal Articles
Nuclear Weapons Scholarship as a Case of Self-Censorship in Security Studies
Journal of Global Security Studies,
Journal Articles
The unbearable lightness of luck. Three sources of overconfidence in the manageability of nuclear crises
European Journal of International Security,
European Nuclear Nationalism: the UK and France (book chapter)
Nik Hynek and Michal Smetana, (eds.), Global Nuclear Disarmament. Strategic, Political and Regional Perspectives. London: Routledge: 225-250,
UK nuclear interests: security, resilience and Trident
British Foreign Policy and the National Interest,
Journal Articles
French nuclear idiosyncrasy: how it affects French nuclear policies towards the United Arab Emirates and Iran
Cambridge Review of International Affairs,