Science and Technology

We are on the verge of a revolution in public sector decision-making processes, where computers will take over many of the governance tasks previously assigned to human bureaucrats. Governance decisions based on algorithmic information processing are increasing in numbers and scope, contributing to decisions that impact the lives of individual citizens. While significant attention in the recent few years has been devoted to normative discussions on fairness, accountability, and transparency related to algorithmic decision-making based on artificial intelligence, less is known about citizens’ considered views on this issue. To put society in-the-loop, a Deliberative Poll was thus carried out on the topic of using artificial intelligence in the public sector, as a form of in-depth public consultation. The three use cases that were selected for deliberation were refugee reallocation, a welfare-to-work program, and parole. A key finding was that after having acquired more knowledge about the concrete use cases, participants were overall more supportive of using artificial intelligence in the decision processes. The event was set up with a pretest/post-test control group experimental design, and as such, the results offer experimental evidence to extant observational studies showing positive associations between knowledge and support for using artificial intelligence.

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Sveinung Arnesen
Troy Saghaug Broderstad
James S. Fishkin
Mikael Poul Johannesson
Alice Siu
Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellow, 2024-2025
Jinseok Kim_0.jpg

Jinseok Kim joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) as Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. He recently obtained his Ph.D. in economics at the Technology, Economics, Management and Policy Program of Seoul National University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Technology from Imperial College of London as well as Bachelor of Arts and Sciences from University College London. His research interest mainly lies in behavioral economics, demand forecasting, and policy analysis in the fields of technology diffusion, energy and environment.

His thesis (tentative title), “Quantum-like Approach to Random Utility Maximization Framework: Application to Discrete Choice Modelling,” applies the concepts of quantum mechanics to provide a reinterpretation of human decision-making process under the random utility maximization framework, which is found to derive an expanded model that accounts for the randomness of human choice as well as the effect of self-uncertainty at the individual-level. Through choice analysis under this new quantum-like theoretical framework, this study endeavors to make both theoretical and empirical contributions to choice modeling. 

During his time in Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, he hopes to expand his area of expertise by taking upon a research project that aims to analyze the impact of population aging to innovation diffusion and technology consumption. Through this project, he hopes to make real contributions to future preparations and policy structuring for imminent changes in society. 

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For many, spring break is synonymous with time away on laid back beaches. But for the hardworking students in the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024, the break from their normal classes was the perfect opportunity to meet with partners all over the world and conduct field research for their capstone projects.

Each year, second year master's students participate in a two quarter course called the Policy Change Studio. Built on the idea that hands-on experience navigating the realities of bureaucracy, resource constraints, and politics is just as important for students as book learning and theory, this capstone course pairs groups of students with governments, NGOs, and research institutes around the world to practice crafting policy solutions that help local communities.

From agricultural policy in Mongolia to public transportation in Ghana, cyber resilience in Taiwan and AI governance in Brazil, keep reading to see how our students have been making an impact!



Poramin Insom, Justin Yates, Thay Graciano, and Rosie Lebel traveled to Rio de Janeiro to work with the Institute for Technology and Society to investigate ways to design a governance strategy for digital and AI tools in public defenders' offices.

Artificial Intelligence promises to transform Public Defenders in Brazil, as seen throughout our fieldwork trip in Rio de Janeiro. Our team spent the week discussing the integration of AI in legal practices with defenders from 13 states and experts from Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade (ITS Rio) and COPPE / UFRJ. We focused on developing AI tools tailored to reduce administrative burdens, enabling defenders to concentrate on advocacy. With nearly 80% of Brazilians entitled to free legal aid, AI can automate routine tasks like document categorization and grammatical corrections.

Significant challenges relate to privacy and potential biases in algorithms, underscoring the need for collaborative governance to ethically implement these solutions. Thus, a unified technological strategy is crucial. We hope that through our work, we can create a collaborative governance framework that will facilitate the development of digital and AI tools, ultimately helping citizens at large. We appreciated the opportunity to learn from incredibly dedicated professionals who are excited to find new ways to jointly develop tools.



Sara Shah, Elliot Stewart, Nickson Quak, and Gaute Friis traveled to Taiwan to gain a firsthand perspective on China’s foreign information manipulation and influence (FIMI), with a specific focus on the role that commercial firms are playing in supporting these campaigns.

We met with government agencies, legislators, military and national security officials, private sector actors, and civil society figures within Taiwan's vibrant ecosystem for countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI). On the ground, the team found that China’s FIMI operations are evolving and increasingly subtle and complex. As generative AI empowers malign actors, our team assessed that the battle against sophisticated, state-sponsored influence campaigns requires a more integrated and strategic approach that spans legal, technological, and societal responses.



Skylar Coleman and Maya Rosales traveled to Accra and Cape Coast in Ghana while Rosie Ith traveled to Washington DC and Toronto to better understand the transit ecosystem in Ghana and the financial and governing barriers to executing accessible and reliable transportation.

During their time in Ghana, Skylar and Maya met with various stakeholders in the Ghanaian transportation field, including government agencies, ride-share apps, freight businesses, academics, and paratransit operators. Presently, paratransit operators, known locally as "tro tros," dominate the public transportation space and with a variety of meetings with their union officials and drivers in terminals around Accra they were able to learn about the nature of the tro tro business and their relationships — and lack thereof — with the government.

In D.C., Rosie met with development organizations and transport officials and attended the World Bank’s Transforming Transportation Conference and their paratransit and finance roundtable. Collectively, they learned about the issues facing the transport industry primarily related to problems surrounding bankability, infrastructure and vehicle financing, and lack of government collaboration with stakeholders. Insights from the trip spurred their team away from conventional physical interventions and toward solutions that will bridge stakeholder gaps and improve transport governance and policy implementation.



Ashwini Thakare, Kelsey Freeman, Olivia Hampsher-Monk, and Sarah Brakebill-Hacke traveled to Mongolia and Washington D.C. to better understand grassland degradation, the role that livestock overgrazing plays in exacerbating the problem, and what is currently being done to address it.

Our team had the opportunity to go to Mongolia and Washington DC where we conducted over twenty structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders. We spoke with people including local and central government officials, officials of international organizations, representatives from mining and cashmere industries, community organizations, academic researchers, herder households, NGOs and Mongolian politicians. Though we knew the practice of nomadic herding is core to Mongolia’s national identity, we didn’t fully realize just how integrated this practice, and the problem of grassland degradation, are in the economy, society and politics of Mongolia.

In the run-up to Mongolia’s election in June, this issue was especially top of mind to those we interviewed. Everyone we spoke with had some form of direct connection with herding, mostly through their own families. Our interviews, as well as being in Ulaanbaatar and the surrounding provinces, helped us to deepen our understanding of the context in which possible interventions operate. Most especially we observed all the extensive work that is being done to tackle grassland degradation and that institutionalizing and supporting these existing approaches could help tackle this issue.


New Zealand

Andrea Purwandaya, Chase Lee, Raul Ruiz, and Sebastian Ogando traveled to Auckland and Wellington in New Zealand to support Netsafe’s efforts in combating online harms among 18- to 30-year-olds of Chinese descent. This partnership aims to enhance online safety messages to build safer online environments for everyone.

While on the ground, our team met with members from Chinese student organizations and professional associations to gather primary evidence on the online harms they face. We also met with Tom Udall, the U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand, his team, and university faculty to brainstorm solutions to tackle this problem. We learned about the prevalent use of “super-apps” beyond WeChat in crowdsourcing solutions and support, and were able to better grasp the complexities of the relationships between public safety organizations and the focus demographic. In retrospect, it was insightful to hear from actors across the public, private, and civic sectors about the prevalence of online harms and how invested major stakeholders are in finding common solutions through a joint, holistic approach.


Sierra Leone

Felipe Galvis-Delgado, Ibilola Owoyele, Javier Cantu, and Pamella Ahairwe traveled to Freetown, Sierra Leone to analyze headwinds affecting the country's solar mini grid industry as well as potential avenues to bolster the industry's current business models.

Our team met with private sector mini grid developers, government officials from the public utilities commission and energy ministry, and rural communities benefiting from mini grid electrification. While we saw first-hand the significant impact that solar mini grids can have on communities living in energy poverty, we also developed a deeper understanding of the macroeconomic, market, and policy conditions preventing the industry from reaching its full potential of providing energy access to millions of Sierra Leoneans. Moving forward, we will explore innovative climate finance solutions and leverage our policy experience to develop feasible recommendations specific to the local environment.



Dwight Knightly, Hamzah Daud, Francesca Verville, and Tabatha Anderson traveled to Taipei, Keelung, and Hsinchu, Taiwan to explore the island democracy’s current posture and future preparedness regarding the security of its critical communications infrastructure—with a special focus on its undersea fiber-optic cables.

During our travels around Taiwan and our many meetings, we were surprised with the lack of consensus among local decision-makers regarding which potential solution pathways were likely to yield the most timely and effective results. These discrepancies often reflected the presence of information asymmetries and divergent institutional interests across stakeholders—both of which run counter to Taiwan’s most urgent strategic priorities. Revising existing bureaucratic authorities and facilitating the spread of technical expertise would enable—and enrich—investment in future resilience.

While we anticipated that structural inefficiencies would impede change to some degree, our onsite interviews gave us a clearer picture of where policy interventions will likely have the most positive effect for Taiwan's defense. With the insights from our fieldwork, we intend to spend the remainder of the quarter exploring new leads, delving into theory of change, and designing a set of meaningful policy recommendations.


The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy

Want to learn more? MIP holds admission events throughout the year, including graduate fairs and webinars, where you can meet our staff and ask questions about the program.

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Students from the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 brainstorm ideas for their capstone projects in the Policy Impact Studio at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University.

Hands on Policy Practice: A Look at the MIP Capstone Projects of 2024

Taiwan, New Zealand, and Sierra Leone are just a few of the places students from the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy are headed this year for their capstone projects.
Hands on Policy Practice: A Look at the MIP Capstone Projects of 2024
The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

Meet the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024

The 2024 class of the Ford Dorsey Master’s in International Policy has arrived at Stanford eager to learn from our scholars and tackle policy challenges ranging from food security to cryptocurrency privacy.
Meet the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024
A photo collage of the 2023 cohort of the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy on their Policy Change Studio internships.

Master's Students Tackle Policy Projects Around the Globe

From Egypt to England, the Maldives to Switzerland, Vietnam, Ghana, Kenya, and Fiji, the 2023 cohort of the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy has criss-crossed the world practicing their policymaking skills.
Master's Students Tackle Policy Projects Around the Globe
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Each spring, second year students in the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy spread out across the globe to work on projects affecting communities from Sierra Leone to Mongolia, New Zealand, and beyond.

Deliberative Democracy Lab
Nora Sulots
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The Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab, housed within the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), in collaboration with Meta and the Behavioral Insights Team, has unveiled the results of the Meta Community Forum on Generative AI, based on the method of Deliberative Polling®. This groundbreaking event, part of a series of efforts by Meta to consult the public, engaged 1,545 participants in scientific samples from Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the United States. In each country, it offered the public’s views, both before and after deliberation, about future directions for the development of AI chatbots and how they should interact with humans.

“AI poses novel challenges, and these four national experiments revealed the public’s considered judgments about what it should — or should not — be able to use it for. National samples grappled with the pros and cons of each proposal and had their questions answered by panels of competing experts. This report shows what they concluded,” said James Fishkin, Senior Fellow at FSI and Director of the Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab.

AI poses novel challenges, and these four national experiments revealed the public’s considered judgments about what it should — or should not — be able to use it for.
James Fishkin
Director, Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab

Much of the agenda focused on specific proposals answering ten basic questions, including:

  • Which sources should AI chatbots draw information from?
  • Should AI chatbots use the user’s past conversations to improve user experience?
  • Should AI chatbots use the user’s online activity to personalize interactions?
  • Should AI chatbots be designed to be human-like?
  • Should users be allowed to use AI chatbots for romantic relationships?

The deliberators in each country were convened on the Stanford Online Deliberation Platform, developed by the Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team. This platform is AI-assisted and moderates video-based discussions in small groups of ten. 

Participants noted a generally positive impact of AI, with an increase in positive perceptions post-forum. "This shift in viewpoint, especially notable among those previously unfamiliar with AI, underscores the value of informed discussion in shaping public opinion," remarked Alice Siu, Senior Research Scholar at FSI and Associate Director of the Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab.

The forum's methodical approach, with deliberations in 166 small groups and a separate control group for each country, ensured that the outcomes accurately reflected the effects of the deliberative process. Findings indicated that users and non-users of AI began to bridge their differences, aligning closer in their attitudes towards AI after the forum.

Siu also emphasized the significance of the event’s feedback, noting that "the high ratings from participants affirm the forum’s success in making complex discussions accessible and relevant. It is an encouraging sign for the future of democratic engagement with technology."

The Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab is dedicated to deepening our understanding of deliberative democracy processes and their application to critical contemporary issues like AI. The insights from this forum will inform ongoing research and policy recommendations, ensuring that AI evolves in a manner that considers diverse values and voices across the globe.

The project report is available below:

For detailed information on the forum’s conclusions or forthcoming projects, please reach out to James Fishkin (Director, Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab) or Alice Siu (Associate Director, Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab) or visit the Deliberative Democracy Lab website.

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Collage of modern adults using smart phones in city with wifi signals

Results of First Global Deliberative Poll® Announced by Stanford’s Deliberative Democracy Lab

More than 6,300 deliberators from 32 countries and nine regions around the world participated in the Metaverse Community Forum on Bullying and Harassment.
Results of First Global Deliberative Poll® Announced by Stanford’s Deliberative Democracy Lab
A voter casts their ballot in the Kentucky Primary Elections at Central High School on May 16, 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky.

New National Deliberative Poll Shows Bipartisan Support for Polarizing Issues Affecting American Democracy

"America in One Room: Democratic Reform" polled participants before and after deliberation to gauge their opinions on democratic reform initiatives, including voter access and voting protections, non-partisan election administration, protecting against election interference, Supreme Court reform, and more. The results show many significant changes toward bipartisan agreement, even on the most contentious issues.
New National Deliberative Poll Shows Bipartisan Support for Polarizing Issues Affecting American Democracy
Alice Siu delivers a TEDxStanford talk

Deliberative Polling: A Path to Bridging Divides

In a TEDxStanford talk, Alice Siu discusses how applying and spreading deliberative democracy can better engage us all in our shared public problems.
Deliberative Polling: A Path to Bridging Divides
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A multinational Deliberative Poll unveils the global public's nuanced views on AI chatbots and their integration into society.

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The Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab, in collaboration with Meta and the Behavioral Insights Team, has unveiled the results of the second Meta Community Forum, based on the method of Deliberative Polling. This groundbreaking event engaged 1,545 participants from Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the United States. In each country, it offered the public’s views, both before and after deliberation, about future directions for the development of AI chatbots and how they should interact with humans.

The Deliberative Democracy Lab (DDL) at Stanford University is housed within the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

The Crowdsourced Democracy Team (CDT) at Stanford University is housed within the Department of Management Science and Engineering.

Report Contributors (in alphabetical order): Samuel Chang, Estelle Ciesla, Michael Finch, James Fishkin, Lodewijk Gelauff, Ashish Goel, Ricky Hernandez Marquez, Shoaib Mohammed, and Alice Siu.

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"What principles should guide generative AI’s engagement with users?"

Samuel Chang
Estelle Ciesla
Michael Finch
James S. Fishkin
Lodewijk L. Gelauff
Ashish Goel
Ricky Hernandez Marquez
Shoaib Mohammed
Alice Siu
AI in Education Deliberative Poll for High School Educators

Are you worried about the impact AI can have on your classroom or excited about its potential? Do you wonder how you can utilize AI in your teaching or do you feel like it dehumanizes the learning process? Are you eager to learn about what “Artificial Intelligence” entails and how it can impact your classroom? 

If any of these questions have crossed your mind, we invite you to join Stanford's Deliberative Democracy Lab on Saturday, May 18, from 10:00 am to 2:45 pm (Pacific Time) to discuss with fellow educators how AI should be used and regulated in schools. You will discuss policies regarding the use of AI in schools — whether it should be banned from the Wi-Fi or left up to teachers and students to discern what “appropriate usage” means. You will also get to meet and ask questions to experts in the fields.

This will be an online event hosted on Stanford's Online Deliberation Platform. There will be sessions between deliberating teachers and expert panels where there will be Q&A time. Further details will be emailed to you.


10:00 am - 11:15 am: First Small Group Deliberation Session

11:15 am - 12:00 pm: Plenary Session 1

12:00 pm - 12:45 pm: Break

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm: Second Small Group Deliberation Session

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm: Plenary Session 2

This event is being led by students at The Quarry Lane School, Saratoga High School, and Lynbrook High School.


Open to high school educators only.

Visiting Scholar at APARC, 2024

Rie Hiraoka joined the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) as visiting scholar in January 2024 for one calendar year. She is currently a professor at Kyoto University for Advanced Sciences, as well as an advisor for the Institute of Future Initiatives and consulting general manager at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank. Previously, she served as a director at the Asian Development Bank. While at APARC, she will be conducting research regarding public policies for innovation, science and technology development.

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Rachel Owens
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In a CDDRL seminar series talk, Daniel Chen — Director of Research at the French National Center for Scientific Research and Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics — examined whether data science can improve the functioning of courts and unlock their impact on economic development. Improving courts’ efficiency is paramount to citizens' confidence in legal institutions and proceedings.

In a nationwide experiment in Kenya, Chen and his co-authors employed data science techniques to identify the causes of case backlog in the judicial system. They developed an algorithm to identify major sources of court delays for each of Kenya’s 124 court stations. Based on the algorithm, they compiled a one-page report — specific to the local court and tailored to that month’s proceedings — which provided an analysis of court adjournments, reasons for delay, and tangible action items.

To measure the effect of these one-pagers, Chen established two treatment groups and one control. Those in the first treatment group received a singular one-pager, sent just to the courts. The second received one for the courts and one for a Court User Committee (CUC). The committee, which consists of lawyers, police, and members of civil society, was asked to discuss the one-pagers during their quarterly meetings. 

To measure the relevant effects, the authors examined three primary outcomes, namely: (1) adjournment (or case delay) rates; (2) quality and citizen satisfaction; and (3) measures of economic development, including contracting, investment, and business creation. 

Results showed the intervention was associated with a 22 percent improvement in adjournments, or a decline in trial length by 120 days. They found that there was no effect on either the number of cases filed or the proxies for quality. Citizen satisfaction rates also went up, with a reduction in complaints about speed and quality, and the intervention was associated with an increase in formal written contracts and higher wages.

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María Ignacia Curiel presents during CDDRL's research seminar

Do Institutional Safeguards Undermine Rebel Parties?

CDDRL postdoctoral fellow’s findings show that institutional safeguards meant to guarantee the representation of parties formed by former rebel groups may actually weaken such parties’ grassroots support.
Do Institutional Safeguards Undermine Rebel Parties?
Larry Diamond speaks during CDDRL's research seminar

Is the World Still in a Democratic Recession?

Is the world still in a democratic recession? Larry Diamond — the Mosbacher Senior Fellow in Global Democracy at FSI — believes it is.
Is the World Still in a Democratic Recession?
Janka Deli presents during CDDRL seminar

Can Markets Save the Rule of Law?: Insights from the EU

CDDRL postdoctoral fellow challenges the conventional wisdom that deterioration in the rule of law generates decline in economic vitality.
Can Markets Save the Rule of Law?: Insights from the EU
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Improving courts’ efficiency is paramount to citizens' confidence in legal institutions and proceedings, explains Daniel Chen, Director of Research at the French National Center for Scientific Research and Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics.

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2023 SU-DD Fellows CDDRL's 2023 Strengthening Ukrainian Democracy and Development Fellows: (L to R) Halyna Yanchenko, Konstantyn Chyzhyk, Olena Kutsai, Anton Turupalov, Gulsanna Mamediieva, and Mykhailo Pavliuk. Rod Searcey

Please join us on Monday, August 28, to meet CDDRL's six Strengthening Ukrainian Democracy and Development (SU-DD) Fellows. SU-DD is a 10-week training program for Ukrainian practitioners and policymakers. Launched in the fall of 2022, the program provides a unique opportunity for mid-career practitioners working on well-defined projects aimed at strengthening Ukrainian democracy, enhancing human development, and promoting good governance.

Meet our Ukrainian fellows and learn first-hand about what they have been working on during their time at Stanford. Hear about their respective projects, each focusing on actionable ways to support Ukraine’s recovery from Russia’s invasion, and find out more about how these practitioners and policymakers plan to launch their rebuilding efforts when they return to Ukraine in September.

This event is taking place in-person only. There will not be an online component.


12:30-12:35 — Introduction (Kathryn Stoner, Mosbacher Director of CDDRL)
12:35-12:55 — Olena Kutsai
1:00-1:20 — Mykhailo Pavliuk
1:25-1:45 — Gulsanna Mamediieva
1:45-2:00 — Break
2:00-2:20 — Konstantyn Chyzhyk
2:25-2:45 — Halyna Yanchenko
2:50-3:10 — Anton Turupalov

Reuben W. Hills Conference Room (Encina Hall East, 2nd floor)
616 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305

Panel Discussions
The Tel Aviv skyline Getty

Join the new Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies program for a panel discussion on democracy in Israel as the country marks its 75th Independence Day. Since its founding in 1948, Israel has established itself as a vibrant democracy and a powerful geopolitical actor on the regional and global stage.

Moderated by Larry Diamond, the Mosbacher Senior Fellow in Global Studies at FSI, the panelists, including Associate Professors Amichai Magen and Or Rabinowitz, and the Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford Yonatan Eyov, will reflect on Israel’s many notable achievements as well as the challenges to its democratic nature.

Meet the Panelists

Yonatan Eyov is the current Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford University. The fellows program is a partnership between the Jewish Agency and Hillel which brings Israeli young adults to college and university campuses around the world to help these environments’ fulfill their role as safe spaces for education, tolerance, and diversity. Eyov hols a bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies from Reichman University.

Yonatan Eyov

Yonatan Eyov

Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford University
Full Profile

Dr. Amichai Magen is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Program on Democratic Resilience and Development (PDRD) at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Reichman University. He is the inaugural Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies at the Freeman Spogli Institute, where he is continuing his research on limited statehood, governance failures, and political violence in the international system.

Amichai Magen

Amichai Magen

Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies
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Dr. Or Rabinowitz is an associate professor at the International Relations Department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. During the academic year of 2022-2023 she holds the post of visiting associate professor at Stanford’s CISAC. Her research interests include nuclear proliferation, intelligence studies, and Israel-U.S. relations.

Or Rabinowitz

Or Rabinowitz

Visiting Scholar at CISAC
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Larry Diamond
Larry Diamond
Yonatan Eyov Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford University
Amichai Magen Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies
Ori Rabinowitz Visiting Associate Professor
Panel Discussions
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