
shanto profile

Using behavioral web-tracking data collected over the 2016 U.S. general election, Matthew Tyler, Justin Grimmer and Shanto Iyengar demonstrate that partisans direct their attention at congenial sources and apolitical portal sites, while ignoring more antagonistic news outlets. While users of all-purpose sites such as Yahoo and MSN come from across the political spectrum, users of dedicated news sites diverge by their partisanship.  The authors further demonstrate that partisans tend to consume more news when campaign events favor their party's candidate. They show that the release of the Access Hollywood tape increased news consumption among Democrats, while the announcement of the Comey letter bolstered news consumption among Republicans. These short-term effects on news consumption proved asymmetric.  While partisans became more engaged in the aftermath of “good news,'' the authors find no evidence that they avoided exposure to the news in the aftermath of “bad news.'' Overall, the results show that partisans engage with the news more frequently when the news favors their side, and they engage at sites that attract like-minded partisans.  

Shanto Iyengar Bio



The outcome of the 2016 American presidential election surprised many observers,but it provides an opportunity to reflect on both its historical and current determinants. This lecture will explore some of the deep structural features that have long characterized the American political system, as well as the social, economic, technological, and cultural issues that are shaping American politics today. 

This lecture will be in English.







David M. Kennedy

David Kennedy is the Professor of History Emeritus at Stanford University. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1999 for Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War.


His teaching has included courses in the history of the twentieth-century United States, American political and social thought, American foreign policy, national security strategies, American literature, and the comparative development of democracy in Europe and America.


Reflecting his interdisciplinary training in American Studies, which combined the fields of history, literature, and economics, Kennedy's scholarship is notable for its integration of economic and cultural analysis with social and political history, and for its attention to the concept of the American national character.


David Kennedy是斯坦福大学历史系荣休教授。1999年,他的著作《免于恐惧的自由: 处于萧条和战争中的美国人民》获得普利策奖。














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Ambassador Susan Rice, the 2019 S.T. Lee Lecturer, will discuss her book, "Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For." This event is open to the public and books will be available for sale. Amb. Rice has graciously agreed to sign books after the talk. RSVP is required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-talk-with-ambassador-susan-e-rice-registration-71722539045

rice bookcovercropped
Recalling pivotal moments from her dynamic career on the front lines of American diplomacy and foreign policy, Susan E. Rice — National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations — reveals her surprising story with unflinching candor.

Mother, wife, scholar, diplomat, and fierce champion of American interests and values, Rice powerfully connects the personal and the professional. Taught early, with tough love, how to compete and excel as an African American woman in settings where people of color are few, Rice now shares the wisdom she learned along the way.

She is currently Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow at the School of International Service, American University, and a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She is also a Contributing Opinion Writer for the New York Times.

Previously, Rice served President Barack Obama as National Security Advisor and U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations. In her role as National Security Advisor from July 1, 2013, to January 20, 2017, Rice led the National Security Council Staff of approximately 400 defense, diplomatic, intelligence and development experts. She chaired the Cabinet-level National Security Principals Committee, provided the President daily national security briefings, and was responsible for coordinating the formulation and implementation of all aspects of the Administration's foreign and national security policy, including all diplomatic, intelligence, homeland security and military efforts.

Co-sponsors: Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Stanford in Goverment

CEMEX Auditorium

Stanford Graduate School of Business 

655 Knight Way

Stanford, CA 94305

Susan Rice Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
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