Wheat is the most important staple crop grown in Australia, and Australia is one of the top wheat exporting countries globally. Timely and reliable wheat yield prediction in Australia is important for regional and global food security. Prior studies use either climate data, or satellite data, or a combination of these two to build empirical models to predict crop yield. However, though the performance of yield prediction using empirical methods is improved by combining the use of climate and satellite data, the contributions from different data sources are still not clear. In addition, how the regression-based methods compare with various machine-learning based methods in their performance in yield prediction is also not well understood and needs in-depth investigation. This work integrated various sources of data to predict wheat yield across Australia from 2000 to 2014 at the statistical division (SD) level. We adopted a well-known regression method (LASSO, as a benchmark) and three mainstream machine learning methods (support vector machine, random forest, and neural network) to build various empirical models for yield prediction. For satellite data, we used the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) from MODIS and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) from GOME-2 and SCIAMACHY as metrics to approximate crop productivity. The machine-learning based methods outperform the regression method in modeling crop yield. Our results confirm that combining climate and satellite data can achieve high performance of yield prediction at the SD level (R2 ˜ 0.75). The satellite data track crop growth condition and gradually capture the variability of yield evolving with the growing season, and their contributions to yield prediction usually saturate at the peak of the growing season. Climate data provide extra and unique information beyond what the satellite data have offered for yield prediction, and our empirical modeling work shows the added values of climate variables exist across the whole season, not only at some certain stages. We also find that using EVI as an input can achieve better performance in yield prediction than SIF, primarily due to the large noise in the satellite-based SIF data (i.e. coarse resolution in both space and time). In addition, we also explored the potential for timely wheat yield prediction in Australia, and we can achieve the optimal prediction performance with approximately two-month lead time before wheat maturity. The proposed methodology in this paper can be extended to different crops and different regions for crop yield prediction.
The ratio of plant carbon gain to water use, known as water use efficiency (WUE), has long been recognized as a key constraint on crop production and an important target for crop improvement. WUE is a physiologically and genetically complex trait that can be defined at a range of scales. Many component traits directly influence WUE, including photosynthesis, stomatal and mesophyll conductances, and canopy structure. Interactions of carbon and water relations with diverse aspects of the environment and crop development also modulate WUE. As a consequence, enhancing WUE by breeding or biotechnology has proven challenging but not impossible. This review aims to synthesize new knowledge of WUE arising from advances in phenotyping, modeling, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology in the context of classical theoretical principles. In addition, we discuss how rising atmospheric CO2 concentration has created and will continue to create opportunities for enhancing WUE by modifying the trade-off between photosynthesis and transpiration.
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Annual Review of Plant Biology
Andrew D.B. Leakey, John N. Ferguson, Charles P. Pignon, Alex Wu
Accurate measurements of maize yields at field or subfield scales are useful for guiding agronomic practices and investments and policies for improving food security. Data on smallholder maize systems are currently sparse, but satellite remote sensing offers promise for accelerating learning about these systems. Here we document the use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) to build “wall-to-wall” 10 m resolution maps of (i) cropland presence, (ii) maize presence, and (iii) maize yields for the main 2017 maize season in Kenya and Tanzania. Mapping these outcomes at this scale is extremely challenging because of very heterogeneous landscapes, lack of cloud-free satellite imagery, and the low quantity of quality ground-based data in these regions.
First, we computed seasonal median composites of Sentinel-1 radar backscatter and Sentinel-2 optical reflectance measures for each pixel in the region, and used them to build both crop/non-crop and maize/non-maize Random Forest (RF) classifiers. Several thousand crop/non-crop labels were collected through an in-house GEE labeler, and thousands of crop type labels from the 2015–2017 growing seasons were obtained from various sources. Results show that the crop/non-crop classifier successfully identified cropland with over 85% out-of-sample accuracy in both countries, with Sentinel-1 being particularly useful for prediction. Among the cropped pixels, the maize/non-maize classier had an accuracy of 79% in Tanzania and 63% in Kenya.
To map maize yields, we build on past work using a scalable crop yield mapper (SCYM) that utilizes simulations from a crop model to train a regression that predicts yields from observations. Here we advance past approaches by (i) grouping simulations by Global Agro-Environmental Stratification (GAES) zones across the two countries, in order to account for landscape heterogeneity, (ii) utilizing gridded datasets on soil and sowing and harvest dates to setup model simulations in a scalable way; and (iii) utilizing all available satellite observations during the growing season in a parsimonious way by using harmonic regression fits implemented in GEE. SCYM estimates were able to capture about 50% of the variation in the yields at the district level in Western Kenya as measured by objective ground-based crop cuts.
Finally, we illustrated the utility of our yield maps with two case studies. First, we document the magnitude and interannual variability of spatial heterogeneity of yields in each district, and how it varies for different parts of the region. Second, we combine our estimates with recently released soil databases in the region to investigate the most important soil constraints in the region. Soil factors explain a high fraction (72%) of variation in predicted yields, with the predominant factor being soil nitrogen levels. Overall, this study illustrates the power of combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery, the GEE platform, and advanced classification and yield mapping algorithms to advance understanding of smallholder agricultural systems.
Low-intensity tillage has become more popular among farmers in the United States and many other regions. However, accurate data on when and where low-intensity tillage methods are being used remain scarce, and this scarcity impedes understanding of the factors affecting the adoption and the agronomic or environmental impacts of these practices. In this study, we used composites of satellite imagery from Landsat 5, 7, and 8, and Sentinel-1 in combination with producer data from about 5900 georeferenced fields to train a random forest classifier and generate annual large-scale maps of tillage intensity from 2005 to 2016. We tested different combinations of hyper-parameters using cross-validation, splitting the training and testing data alternatively by field, year, and state to assess the influence of clustering on validation results and evaluate the generalizability of the classification model. We found that the best model was able to map tillage practices across the entire North Central US region at 30 m-resolution with accuracies spanning between 75% and 79%, depending on the validation approach. We also found that although Sentinel-1 provides an independent measure that should be sensitive to surface moisture and roughness, it currently adds relatively little to classification performance beyond what is possible with Landsat. When aggregated to the state level, the satellite estimates of percentage low- and high-intensity tillage agreed well with a USDA survey on tillage practices in 2006 (R2 = 0.55). The satellite data also revealed clear increases in low-intensity tillage area for most counties in the past decade. Overall, the ability to accurately map spatial and temporal patterns in tillage should facilitate further study of this important practice in the United States, as well as other regions with fewer survey-based estimates.
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Remote Sensing of Environment
George Azzari
Patricio Grassini, Juan Edreira, Shawn Conley, Spyridon Mourtzinis
Fast, accurate and inexpensive estimates of crop yields at the field scale are useful for many applications. Based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, we recently developed a Scalable satellite-based Crop Yield Mapper (SCYM) that integrates crop simulations with satellite imagery and gridded weather data to generate 30 m resolution yield estimates for multiple crops in different regions. Existing versions of SCYM typically capture one-third to half of the variation in reported county-scale yields. Using rainfed maize in the US Midwest as an example, this study tested multiple approaches for improving SCYM’s accuracy, including (i) calibrating the phenology parameters of the crop model (APSIM) used to generate training samples for SCYM; (ii) using an ensemble of three crop models (APSIM-Maize, CERES-Maize, and Hybrid-Maize) instead of a single model; (iii) using simulated biomass from the crop models instead of simulated yields to train SCYM, with the former assuming a constant harvest index (HI). Results show substantial improvement in performance, as assessed using reported county yields by USDA-NASS, both from calibrating APSIM phenology parameters and from training SCYM on simulated biomass rather than yields. Using a multi-model ensemble further improves SCYM, although the benefit is limited. The proposed preferred version of SCYM on average captures 75% of the yield variation for 2001–2015 in the 3I states (i.e. Illinois, Indiana and Iowa) where SCYM is trained, with RMSE typically less than 1 t/ha, and explains 41% to 83% of multi-year yield variations when tested across nine Midwestern US states for 2008–2015. This level of accuracy is particularly notable given that only data from 2014 were used to calibrate phenology parameters. The yield estimates for multiple years in multiple states utilized 1184 Landsat tiles, but could be completed in about 2 h per year by using the GEE platform. All approaches tested in this study do not require any site-specific measurements, and thus can be readily extended to other regions and crops.
A better understanding of recent crop yield trends is necessary for improving the yield and maintaining food security. Several possible mechanisms have been investigated recently in order to explain the steady growth in maize yield over the US Corn‐Belt, but a substantial fraction of the increasing trend remains elusive. In this study, trends in grain filling period (GFP) were identified and their relations with maize yield increase were further analyzed. Using satellite data from 2000 to 2015, an average lengthening of GFP of 0.37 days per year was found over the region, which probably results from variety renewal. Statistical analysis suggests that longer GFP accounted for roughly one‐quarter (23%) of the yield increase trend by promoting kernel dry matter accumulation, yet had less yield benefit in hotter counties. Both official survey data and crop model simulations estimated a similar contribution of GFP trend to yield. If growing degree days that determines the GFP continues to prolong at the current rate for the next 50 years, yield reduction will be lessened with 25% and 18% longer GFP under Representative Concentration Pathway 2.6 (RCP 2.6) and RCP 6.0, respectively. However, this level of progress is insufficient to offset yield losses in future climates, because drought and heat stress during the GFP will become more prevalent and severe. This study highlights the need to devise multiple effective adaptation strategies to withstand the upcoming challenges in food security.
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Global Change Biology
Peng Zhu
Qianlai Zhuang, Philippe Ciais, Carl Bernacchi, Xuhui Wang, David Makowski
Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is a key development goal of the twenty first century. This paper addresses the problem of optimally identifying seed varieties to reliably increase crop yield within a risk-sensitive decision making framework. Specifically, a novel hierarchical machine learning mechanism for predicting crop yield (the yield of different seed varieties of the same crop) is introduced. This prediction mechanism is then integrated with a weather forecasting model and three different approaches for decision making under uncertainty to select seed varieties for planting so as to balance yield maximization and risk. The model was applied to the problem of soybean variety selection given in the 2016 Syngenta Crop Challenge. The prediction model achieved a median absolute error of 235 kg/ha and thus provides good estimates for input into the decision models. The decision models identified the selection of soybean varieties that appropriately balance yield and risk as a function of the farmer’s risk aversion level. More generally, the models can support farmers in decision making about which seed varieties to plant.
The practice of planting winter cover crops has seen renewed interest as a solution to environmental issues with the modern maize- and soybean-dominated row crop production system of the US Midwest. We examine whether cover cropping patterns can be assessed at scale using publicly available satellite data, creating a classifier with 91.5% accuracy (.68 kappa). We then use this classifier to examine spatial and temporal trends in cover crop occurrence on maize and soybean fields in the Midwest since 2008, finding that despite increased talk about and funding for cover crops as well as a 94% increase in cover crop acres planted from 2008–2016, increases in winter vegetation have been more modest. Finally, we combine cover cropping with satellite-predicted yields, finding that cover crops are associated with low relative maize and soybean production and poor soil quality, consistent with farmers adopting the practice on fields most in need of purported cover crop benefits. When controlling for invariant soil quality using a panel regression model, we find modest benefits of cover cropping, with average yield increases of 0.65% for maize and 0.35% for soybean. Given these slight impacts on yields, greater incentives or reduced costs of implementation are needed to increase adoption of this practice for the majority of maize and soybean acres in the US.
Accurate prediction of crop yields in developing countries in advance of harvest time is central to preventing famine, improving food security, and sustainable development of agriculture. Existing techniques are expensive and difficult to scale as they require locally collected survey data. Approaches utilizing remotely sensed data, such as satellite imagery, potentially provide a cheap, equally effective alternative. Our work shows promising results in predicting soybean crop yields in Argentina using deep learning techniques. We also achieve satisfactory results with a transfer learning approach to predict Brazil soybean harvests with a smaller amount of data. The motivation for transfer learning is that the success of deep learning models is largely dependent on abundant ground truth training data. Successful crop yield prediction with deep learning in regions with little training data relies on the ability to fine-tune pre-trained models.
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COMPASS '18 Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies
Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
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Widespread cultivation of oil palm trees has been both an economic boon and an environmental disaster for tropical developing-world countries. New research points to a more sustainable path forward through engagement with small-scale producers.
Nearly ubiquitous in products ranging from cookies to cosmetics, palm oil represents a bedeviling double-edged sword. Widespread cultivation of oil palm trees has been both an economic boon and an environmental disaster for tropical developing-world countries, contributing to large-scale habitat loss, among other impacts. New Stanford-led research points the way to a middle ground of sustainable development through engagement with an often overlooked segment of the supply chain (read related overview and research brief).
"The oil palm sector is working to achieve zero-deforestation supply chains in response to consumer-driven and regulatory pressures, but they won’t be successful until we find effective ways to include small-scale producers in sustainability strategies,” said Elsa Ordway, lead author of a Jan. 10 Nature Communications paper that examines the role of proliferating informal oil palm mills in African deforestation. Ordway, a postdoctoral fellow at The Harvard University Center for the Environment, did the research while a graduate student in Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.
An oil palm plantation in Cameroon (Image credit: Elsa Ordway)
Using remote sensing tools, Ordway and her colleagues mapped deforestation due to oil palm expansion in Southwest Cameroon, a top producing region in Africa’s third largest palm oil producing country (read about related Stanford research). Contrary to a widely publicized narrative of deforestation driven by industrial-scale expansion, the researchers found most oil palm expansion and associated deforestation occurred outside large, company-owned concessions, and that expansion and forest clearing by small-scale, non-industrial producers was more likely near low-yielding informal mills, scattered throughout the region. This is strong evidence that oil palm production gains in Cameroon are coming from extensification instead of intensification.
Possible solutions for reversing the extensification trend include improving crop and processing yields by using more high-yielding seed types, replanting old plantations, and upgrading and mechanizing milling technologies, among other approaches. To prevent intensification efforts from inciting further deforestation, they will need to be accompanied by complementary natural resource policies that include sustainability incentives for smallholders.
In Indonesia, where a large percentage of the world’s oil palm-related forest clearing has occurred, a similar focus on independent, smallholder producers could yield major benefits for both poverty alleviation and environmental conservation, according to a Jan. 4 Ambio study led by Rosamond Naylor, the William Wrigley Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies(Naylor coauthored the Cameroon study led by Ordway).
Using field surveys and government data, Naylor and her colleagues analyzed the role of small producers in economic development and environmental damage through land clearing. Their research focused on how changes in legal instruments and government policies during the past two decades, including the abandonment of revenue-sharing agreements between district and central governments and conflicting land title authority among local, regional and central authorities, have fueled rapid oil palm growth and forest clearing in Indonesia.
They found that Indonesia’s shift toward decentralized governance since the end of the Suharto dictatorship in 1998 has simultaneously encouraged economic development through the expansion of smallholder oil palm producers (by far the fastest growing subsector of the industry since decentralization began), reduced rural poverty, and driven ecologically destructive practices such as oil palm encroachment into more than 80 percent of the country’s Tesso Nilo National Park.
A worker in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, loads palm fruit for transport to a factory that will process it into palm oil (Image credit: Joann de Zegher)
Among other potential solutions, Naylor and her coauthors suggest Indonesia’s Village Law of 2014, which devolves authority over economic development to the local level, be re-drafted to enforce existing environmental laws explicitly. Widespread use of external facilitators could help local leaders design sustainable development strategies and allocate village funds more efficiently, according to the research. Also, economic incentives for sustainable development, such as an India program in which residents are paid to leave forests standing, could make a significant impact.
There is reason for hope in recent moves by Indonesia’s government, including support for initiatives that involve large oil palm companies working with smallholders to reduce fires and increase productivity; and the mapping of a national fire prevention plan that relies on financial incentives.
“In all of these efforts, smallholder producers operating within a decentralized form of governance provide both the greatest challenges and the largest opportunities for enhancing rural development while minimizing environmental degradation,” the researchers write.
Coauthors of “Decentralization and the environment: Assessing smallholder oil palm development in Indonesia” include Matthew Higgins, a research assistant at Stanford’s Center on Food Security and the Environment; Ryan Edwards of Dartmouth College, and Walter Falcon, the Helen C. Farnsworth Professor of International Agricultural Policy, Emeritus, at Stanford.
Coauthors of “Oil palm expansion at the expense of forests in Southwest Cameroon associated with proliferation of informal mills” include Raymond Nkongho, a former fellow at Stanford’s Center for Food Security and the Environment; and Eric Lambin, the George and Setsuko Ishiyama Provostial Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.