The Rise and Fall of Giants: ICT Disruptions from Silicon Valley, Nokia, China, and Japan
The rise of Nokia as a global ICT leader in the 1990s and early 2000s was dramatic, as a company from the small Nordic country of Finland became a global titan. The lack of Japanese presence in global ICT industries in the 1990s and 2000s was unexpected, as it was a technological and platform leader in its domestic market but without followers in global markets. The advent of the iPhone and Android from Silicon Valley companies in the late 2000s thoroughly disrupted both Nokia and the Japanese companies. What happened? Why did it happen, and what were the lessons learned? Now, with the dominance and concentration of Silicon Valley companies and the rise of China in new areas such as AI and digital services, how do we understand the dynamics of competition unfolding? What general conclusions can we draw about the possibilities and risks of national strategies from the past experiences?
This panel brings expertise from China, Europe, Japan, and Silicon Valley to discuss these questions.
This event is brought to you by Shorenstein APARC Japan Program's Stanford Silicon Valley-New Japan Project in collaboration with the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE)
Moderator and panelist: John Zysman, Co-founder, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy. Author of “The Third Globalization: Can Wealth Countries Stay Rich.”
3:00pm-3:05pm Introduction & Opening Remarks
3:05pm-3:35pm The rise and fall of Nokia as a global mobile leader, a management perspective
Presenter: Yves Doz, Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation, INSEAD. Author of “Ringtone: Exploring the Rise and Fall of Nokia in Mobile Phones” (2018)
3:35pm-4:05pm How Silicon Valley commoditized the global ICT industry. Japan: leading without followers, then disrupted, a political economy perspective
Presenter: Kenji Kushida, Research Scholar, Stanford University. Author of “The politics of commoditization in global ICT industries: a political economy explanation of the rise of Apple, Google, and industry disruptors” (2015)
4:05pm-4:35pm AI and Global Dynamic Capabilities: The Implications for China and the United States.
· The Chinese Case: Can China avoid the Finnish and Japanese fate? Will the scale of the Chinese market permit it to develop global standards? Will the geo-political rivalry change the dynamic of the market rivalries.
· The American case: Will the American platform strengths hold in in the face of Chinese challenges? Will Europe?
Presenters: Amy Shuen, Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University (formerly at UC Berkeley, Wharton, CEIBS). Co-author, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management (SMJ, Best Paper Award, 2003) Author, “Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide” (OReilly, 2008) HKU Talk (2017)
John Zysman, Co-founder, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy. Author of “The Third Globalization:Can Wealth Countries Stay Rich.”
4:35pm-5:00pm Open Discussion, Q&A