Introduction to Hacking: Exploiting Web, Binary, and Crypto Vulnerabilities
Introduction to Hacking: Exploiting Web, Binary, and Crypto Vulnerabilities
Friday, October 27, 20175:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific)
Shriram 366
Are you interested in cybersecurity? Have you wanted to learn offensive cyber techniques but don't know where to get started? The Applied Cybersecurity team is hosting an introductory workshop to get people going with practicing exploitation and offensive cyber techniques in an ethical setting. In particular, we will focus on gaining familiarity with techniques used for competing in Capture the Flag (CTF)* competitions. We'll be hosting the first workshop this Friday, in preparation for the Hitcon CTF next week. Bring a laptop! This workshop will assume no prerequisite experience with hacking or cybersecurity so please attend regardless of how unfamiliar you are with the topic. For this workshop, we will focus on web vulnerabilities, binary reversing, and some basic cryptography challenges. Note that experience equivalent to CS107 will be useful. Food will be provided! RSVP here: