Claire Cousineau

Headshot of Claire Cousineau.

Claire Cousineau

  • Program Manager, External Affairs, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions


Claire Cousineau is a program manager at the Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions (SCCEI). She joined the team in the summer of 2021 after graduating Middlebury College with a B.A. in Chinese and minors in religion and psychology. Since studying and working in Beijing and Kunming, Claire is passionate about fostering a deeper public understanding of China’s role on the global stage and creating cross-cultural relationships. While at SCCEI, Claire will be working across a variety of disciplines, including health, public policy, and education.


Journal Articles
July 2023

What Can Students Gain from China's Higher Education?

cover link What Can Students Gain from China's Higher Education?
Journal Articles
March 2022

Exploring Teacher Job Satisfaction in Rural China: Prevalence and Correlates

cover link Exploring Teacher Job Satisfaction in Rural China: Prevalence and Correlates
Journal Articles
February 2022

Gender Equity in Vision Care Seeking Behavior Among Caregivers: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural China

cover link Gender Equity in Vision Care Seeking Behavior Among Caregivers: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural China