The Earthquake in Türkiye and Technologies to Mitigate Disaster

The Board of Directors of TÜSİAD, as part of their visit to Silicon Valley, is organizing a panel discussion on cutting-edge methods to prevent and mitigate the hazardous effects of natural disasters, especially as they relate to high-density urban areas.

The conference, which is co-sponsored by The Program on Turkey at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University, will feature Prof. Ellsworth will address questions about earthquake risk reduction, specifically through the transfer of scientific understanding of the hazard to people, businesses, and policymakers. Prof. Deierlein will focus on his research on engineering techniques aimed at reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes. Ayşe Hortacsu will elaborate on the work done at the Applied Technology Council to enhance our preparedness and response to such disasters. Finally, Ahmad Wani will talk on the work his company OneConcern does to help better the responses following natural disasters.

Members of the TÜSİAD Silicon Valley Network will have an opportunity to ask questions and to engage with the visiting TÜSİAD delegation following the conference.

Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center
326 Galvez Street Stanford, CA 94305

Panel Discussions
Kurds in Dark Times book cover

With an estimated population of 35 million, Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without an independent state of their own. Kurds constitute about 20 percent of Turkey, the largest Kurdish population in the region. The history of the Kurds in Turkey is marked by state violence against them and decades of conflict between the Turkish military and Kurdish fighters. Although the continuous struggle of the Kurdish people is well known, and the political actors involved in the conflict have received much attention, an increasing wave of scholarship is being written from the vantage point of the Kurds themselves.

Alemdaroğlu and Göçek’s volume develops a fresh approach by moving away from top-down Turkish nationalist macroanalyses to a microanalysis of how Kurds and Kurdistan as historical and ethnic categories were constructed from the bottom up. Contributors look beyond the politics of state actors to examine how Kurdish workers, women, youth, and political prisoners experience and resist marginalization, exclusion, and violence. Kurds in Dark Times opens an essential window into the lives of Kurds by generating meaningful insights into the formal and informal ways of negotiating their power and place in Turkey; and therefore, it provides crucial perspectives for any endeavor to create peace and reconciliation in the country.


"In dark times, light is an imperative. This tome is a wonderful collection illuminating the Kurdish situation in Turkey. Their current suffering has a long history and, in examining this history, the various authors address things such as Turkishness as whiteness, the racialization of Kurds and Armenians, women as central actors in the Kurdish resistance, the prolonged history of the Kurds in what we call today Turkey, and much more. Alemdaroğlu and Göçek have produced an enormously important book that will be of interest to students of race, ethnic, and nationalist matters."—Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Duke University

"The book includes voices from a new generation of scholars in the emergent field of Kurdish studies."—Esra Özyürek, London School of Economics

"An admirable set of essays on what it means to live as Kurdish women and men in today’s Turkey, documenting the many forms of everyday oppression and resistance. Unlike much of the recent writing on the Kurds, the authors consistently and convincingly present the view from below; they deserve credit for their committed scholarship."—Martin van Bruinessen, professor emeritus, Utrecht University

"A hugely important contribution to shedding light on the structural violence, everyday violence, and political violence against Kurds in Turkey; a preciously collective effort of scholars across generations to think and stand against the 'evil' and 'dark times' of totalitarianism. This book is timely and urgent, thoughtful and compelling."—Zerrin Özlem Biner, University of Kent


Ayça Alemdaroğlu is a research scholar and associate director of the Program on Turkey at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University.

Fatma Müge Göçek is professor of sociology and women’s studies at the University of Michigan.

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A fresh approach to the study of Kurds in Turkey.

Ayça Alemdaroğlu
Fatma Müge Göçek
Book Publisher
Syracuse University Press
Book Launch: Struggles for Political Change in the Arab World

To mark the eleven-year anniversary of the Arab Uprisings, The George Washington University’s Institute for Middle East Studies (IMES) and Stanford University’s Program on Arab Reform and Democracy (ARD) invite you to a series of panels examining major findings from the edited volume Struggles for Political Change in the Arab World: Regimes, Oppositions, and External Actors after the Spring, edited by Lisa Blaydes, Amr Hamzawy, and Hesham Sallam and published by the University of Michigan Press (2022).

About the Volume:

The advent of the Arab Spring in late 2010 was a hopeful moment for partisans of progressive change throughout the Arab world. Authoritarian leaders who had long stood in the way of meaningful political reform in the countries of the region were either ousted or faced the possibility of political if not physical demise. The downfall of long-standing dictators as they faced off with strong-willed protesters was a clear sign that democratic change was within reach. Throughout the last ten years, however, the Arab world has witnessed authoritarian regimes regaining resilience, pro-democracy movements losing momentum, and struggles between the first and the latter involving regional and international powers.

This volume explains how relevant political players in Arab countries among regimes, opposition movements, and external actors have adapted ten years after the onset of the Arab Spring. It includes contributions on Egypt, Morocco, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, and Tunisia. It also features studies on the respective roles of the United States, China, Iran, and Turkey vis-à-vis questions of political change and stability in the Arab region, and includes a study analyzing the role of Saudi Arabia and its allies in subverting revolutionary movements in other countries.



8:00-8:30 am: Coffee and light breakfast

8:30-9:00 am: Opening Remarks

Mona Atia, IMES, The George Washington University
Larry Diamond, CDDRL, Stanford University
Hicham Alaoui, Hicham Alaoui Foundation

9:00-10:45 am Panel I: Authoritarian Survival Strategies after the Arab Uprisings

Michael Herb, “The Decay of Family Rule in Saudi Arabia”
Farah Al-Nakib, “Kuwait’s Changing Landscape: Palace Projects and the Decline of Rule by Consensus”
Samia Errazzouki, “The People vs. the Palace: Power and Politics in Morocco since 2011”
Moderator: Hesham Sallam, CDDRL, Stanford University

10:45-11:00 am: Coffee break

11:00 am -1:00 pm Panel II: Opposition Mobilization and Challenges to Democratization

Khalid Medani, “The Prospects and Challenges of Democratization in Sudan”
Sean Yom, “Mobilization without Movement: Opposition and Youth Activism in Jordan”
Lina Khatib, “Cycles of Contention in Lebanon”
David Patel, “The Nexus of Patronage, Petrol, and Population in Iraq”
Moderator: Ayca Alemdaroglu, CDDRL, Stanford University

1:00-2:00 pm: Lunch

2:00-3:45 pm Panel III: External Actors and Responses to Popular Mobilization

Sarah Yerkes, U.S. Influence on Arab Regimes: From Reluctant Democracy Supporter to Authoritarian Enabler”
Ayca Alemdaroglu, “Myths of Expansion: Turkey’s Changing Policy in the Arab World”
Moderator: Nathan Brown, The George Washington University



Hicham Alaoui is the founder and director of the Hicham Alaoui Foundation and a scholar on the comparative politics of democratization and religion, with a focus on the MENA region.

Ayça Alemdaroğlu is a Research Scholar and Associate Director of the Program on Turkey at the Freeman Spogli Institute at Stanford University.

Mona Atia is Associate Professor of Geography and International Affairs at the George Washington University.

Nathan Brown is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Larry Diamond is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, where he serves as director of the Program on Arab Reform and Democracy.

Samia Errazzouki is a PhD candidate in history at the University of California Davis and a former Morocco-based journalist.

Michael Herb is Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University.

Farah Al-Nakib is Associate Professor of History at the California Polytechnic State University.

Lina Khatib is the Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House.

Khalid Mustafa Medani is Associate Professor of Political Science and Islamic Studies at McGill University.

David Siddhartha Patel is a Senior Fellow and Associate Director for Research at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University.

Hesham Sallam is a Research Scholar at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law.

Sarah Yerkes is a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Sean Yom is Associate Professor of Political Science at Temple University, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and Board Member of the Hicham Alaoui Foundation.

Times are in EST

Elliott School of International Affairs
1957 E Street Northwest Room 602
Washington, DC 20052

Panel Discussions
Lecturer in Turkish Language and Literature

Burcu Karahan specializes in late 19th and early 20th centuries Ottoman Turkish literature. Her research on Ottoman/Turkish literature focuses on the novel, issues of translation, sexuality, formation of masculine identities, and Westernization. She teaches literature and culture courses on Ottoman and contemporary Turkish literature in translation and Turkish cinema; and language courses on Ottoman Turkish, reading knowledge for Turkish, and translation.

Thousands of supporters wave flags and chant slogans while waiting for the arrival of CHP Party presidential candidate Muharrem Ince during a campaign rally on June 21, 2018 in Izmir, Turkey. Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images

In February 2022, Turkey's six opposition parties signed a historic pact to restore the parliamentary system, the rule of law, and rights and freedoms if they win the 2023 elections. The main opposition Republican People's Party (RPP), was the main driver behind this achievement. This panel will discuss the changes in the RPP and the coalition's prospects. How did the RPP achieve this coalition, including Islamist and rightist parties? How does the alliance-building affect the inner dynamics and the organizational base of Turkey's oldest party? What will be the main determinants of electoral success for the party and the alliance?


Yunus Emre
Dr. Yunus Emre is a Turkish parliamentarian and the Republican People's Party (CHP) Assembly member. He is also a member of the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee and the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council (PACE). Before becoming an MP, he worked as an associate professor of political science at Istanbul Kultur University. His publications on the CHP history and social democracy include The Emergence of Social Democracy in Turkey: The Left and the Transformation of the Republican People's Party (Londra: IB Tauris, 2014) and Herkes için Demokrasi: Tek Adam Rejiminden Güçlendirilmiş Parlamenter Demokrasiye ("Democracy for All: From the One-Man Regime to Strengthened Parliamentary Democracy," Istanbul: Tekin, 2021). He has a Ph.D. from Boğaziçi University and held several other elected positions in the CHP organization, such as the Chairman of the Bakırköy District Youth Branch and the President of CHP's nationwide Youth Branches.  

Seren Selvin Korkmaz

Seren Selvin Korkmaz is the co-founder and executive director of IstanPol Institute and a doctoral researcher at Stockholm University, where she also teaches Middle East politics. Her research focuses on populism, political parties, voter perception, election strategies, and the political economy of exclusion. In addition, Korkmaz is a non-resident fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington D.C. and was recently selected to be a part of the "Young Leadership Program" of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey. Through her engagements in a broad spectrum of academic and non-governmental initiatives, Korkmaz strives to bridge civil society, academia, and public policy through her research outputs and policy recommendations. 

Ayça Alemdaroğlu
Aytuğ Şaşmaz

Online via Zoom

Yunus Emre Dr. Member of Parliament Republican People's Party
Seren Selvin Korkmaz Ms. co-founder and Executive Director Istanbul Political Research Institute (IstanPol)
Panel Discussions
course poster İBB President Ekrem İmamoğlu visits the district market in Avcılar Yeşilkent Neighborhood on January 20, 2022. İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi

In 2019, Ekrem İmamoğlu, the opposition candidate in Istanbul, defeated the city's ruling party for a second time. The ruling party had governed Istanbul for the previous 25 years and Turkey for 17. This triumph of Turkey’s opposition against President Erdogan’s regime took place in a tilted playing field marked with heavy censorship on media, criminalization of opposition politicians and journalists, and the government’s control of the election authority. Among the forces behind this victory was a successful election campaign.

Necati Özkan, the director of the İmamoğlu Campaign, will explain the background of Istanbul's elections, the opposition’s challenges, and campaign strategies in beating populist authoritarian regimes as Turkey is preparing for its next general elections scheduled in June 2023.


 Necati Özkan
Necati Özkan is the founder and president of ÖYKÜ / Dialogue International (an Istanbul-based independent creative agency) and Reform Institute (an Istanbul-based think tank). He has been managing the marketing campaigns of national and international brands for more than 30 years. He has also served as a political consultant and/or campaign manager for political parties, mayors, candidates, and NGOs. He managed more than 160 local, national, presidential, and international political campaigns in Turkey and around. He won more than 70 awards; including 17 Pollie Awards, 11 Reed Awards, 15 Polaris Awards, 11 Goldie Awards, 2 Adrian Awards, 7 Felis Awards, and several national awards. Mr. Özkan is a former president of EAPC, former chairman of Dialogue International (A Pan-European independent agencies network), and a member of EAPC, AAPC, IAPC, IAA. He teaches "Strategy" at the Brand School of Istanbul Bilgi University. He has 5 books on strategy and campaign management.

Ayça Alemdaroğlu
Aytuğ Şaşmaz

Online via Zoom

Necati Özkan Founder and President OYKU / Dialogue International Istanbul

Why do voters support executive aggrandizement? One possible answer is that they do so because they think this will ease their preferred leader’s hand in putting their partisan vision into action, provided that the leader will continue winning elections.

We study this phenomenon through a survey experiment in Turkey, by manipulating voters’ perceptions about the potential results of the first presidential election after a constitutional referendum of executive aggrandizement. We find that voters from both sides display what we call “elastic support” for executive aggrandizement; that is, they change previously revealed constitutional preferences in response to varying winning chances. This elasticity increases not only when citizens feel greater social distance to perceived political “others” (i.e., affective polarization) but also when voters are concerned about economic management in a potential post-incumbent era. Our findings contribute to the literature on how polarization and economic anxiety contribute to executive aggrandizement and democratic backsliding.

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Why do voters support executive aggrandizement?

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Comparative Political Studies
Aytuğ Şaşmaz
Alper H. Yagci
Daniel Ziblatt
January 2022

What happens when authoritarian populist parties lose elections despite a tilted playing field? Postelection capture might be their new tool: Confronted with losses in the 2016 and 2019 local elections, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) set about undoing the results by dismissing over 150 democratically elected mayors—mostly in predominantly Kurdish cities—and replaced them with state-appointed trustees or kayyums. These political captures expand the AKP’s patronage networks through what we call forced clientelism and further polarization, thereby undermining the formation of a stronger prodemocratic coalition.

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Journal of Democracy
Sultan Tepe
Ayça Alemdaroğlu
Number 4
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