This module addresses the challenges faced by public sector leaders as they foster economic growth in politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, it uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. A driving principle of the LAD module is that policy reform is not like engineering or other technical fields that have discrete skills and clear, optimal solutions. Instead, successful reformers must be politically aware and weigh a broad range of factors that influence policy outcomes. They must have a solid grasp of country-specific economic, financial, political and cultural realities. Most importantly, they must have a sense of how to set priorities, sequence actions and build coalitions. LAD provides participants with an analytical framework to build these leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions.  Major themes are 1) Providing public goods efficiently 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating private Investment, and 4) Strengthening the role of the state as economic catalyst.  
oster economic growth in
politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academ
y for Development
(LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Ad
vanced International Studies, it
uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the
private sector be a
constructive force for economic growth and development. A driving principl
e of the LAD module is that
policy reform is not like engineering or other technical fields that have disc
rete skills and clear, optimal
solutions. Instead, successful reformers must be politically aware and weigh a
broad range of factors that
influence policy outcomes. They must have a solid grasp of country-spec
ific economic, financial, political
and cultural realities. Most importantly, they must have a sense of how to set
priorities, sequence
actions and build coalitions. LAD provides participants with an analytical
framework to build these
leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions. Major themes a
re 1) Providing
public goods efficiently 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating priv
ate Investment, and 4)
Strengthening the role of the state as economic catalyst.

Singapore Management University



This module addresses the challenges faced by public sector leaders as they foster economic growth in politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, it uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. A driving principle of the LAD module is that policy reform is not like engineering or other technical fields that have discrete skills and clear, optimal solutions. Instead, successful reformers must be politically aware and weigh a broad range of factors that influence policy outcomes. They must have a solid grasp of country-specific economic, financial, political and cultural realities. Most importantly, they must have a sense of how to set priorities, sequence actions and build coalitions. LAD provides participants with an analytical framework to build these leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions. 

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy


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nick finney photo
Nick Finney put his Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) training to work almost immediately. The 40-year old native of Yorkshire, England, directs Asian operations for Save the Children, an international humanitarian relief organization focused on the needs of children. Finney participated in LAD’s 2015 workshop, “The Role of Public Policy in Private Sector Development,” conducted in partnership with the Singapore Management University (SMU).

Two of the case studies Finney discussed during the week-long LAD workshop required students to analyze options to improve border management in Costa Rica and Indonesia. They were particularly relevant to Finney since much of his work in 2015 for Save the Children has involved directing food and medical supplies to families in the wake of the Nepal earthquake, the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and elsewhere. 

“I deal all the time with the complex behaviors of governments and difficult regulatory environments where the goal posts keep moving,” he said. “The LAD training really helped me understand all this in a more holistic way.”

The Leadership Academy for Development, part of the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University, trains government officials and business leaders from developing countries to help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. Participants benefit from lectures and discussions centered on real-life case studies led by a team of international scholars and local experts. Students are also required to work in teams to apply the ideas and skills they have gained to specific challenges they are facing in their professional duties.

LAD Case Study Cover

That team assignment “triggered something for me,” Finney recalled. He had been thinking about Save the Children's work to persuade more motorcycle riders in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia to wear helmets. Motorcycle accidents are now the leading cause of childhood deaths in Thailand, for instance, where parents often balance multiple kids on their bikes, and teenagers as young as 13 race one another through traffic-clogged streets. Thai law requires all riders to wear helmets but few people comply and police are often reluctant to issue tickets.

Finney and the Save the Children team are applying some of these ideas around compliance and enforcement in Thailand: The “Helmet Hero” campaign includes playful videos designed to appeal to young people that have attracted a wide following. One video, for instance, features a monk who warns young people that even his blessing can’t protect them if they don’t wear a helmet. 

After the Singapore workshop, Finney stayed in touch with LAD-affiliated faculty member Kent Weaver who will teach the LAD curriculum at SMU again early next year.

“Kent suggested I write the helmet campaign as a case study about how to affect behavior change.” Finney has done that and come January, the student will become the teacher—Finney will take the podium, helping to teach a new group of LAD participants. 

Hero Image
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David LEE Kuo Chuen joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) as visiting scholar for the fall of 2015.  He is currently the Director of Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics.  He holds the appointment of Practice Professor of Quantitative Finance, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, in Singapore Management University.  He is also the founder of Ferrell Asset Management Group.

His research interests encompass digital and Internet finance, digital banking, Asia finance, impact investing, financial inclusion and asset allocation. During his time as a Fulbright Scholar at Shorenstein APARC, his research will focus on harnessing Silicon Valley technology for connectivity and financial inclusion in ASEAN and Singapore.

David is also an Independent Director of two SGX-listed companies and sits on the Investment Committee and Council of two charitable organizations. He is the Vice President of the Economic Society of Singapore.  He was the Founding Vice Chairman of the Alternative Investment Management Association (Singapore Chapter), a member of the SGX Security Committee, and MAS Financial Research Council.  He was also the Group Managing Director of OUE Limited and Auric Pacific Limited, as well as the Non-Executive Chairman of MAP Technology Limited.

David speaks frequently in international conferences with occasional appearances in Bloomberg, Reuters and Channel NewsAsia.  He has published in Financial Analyst Journal, Journal of Investing, Journal of Wealth Management, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Applied Financial Economics, and several books and chapters on Household Economics and Hedge Funds.  His two books on Asia Finance focus on Banking, Sovereign Wealth Funds, REITs, Financial Trading & Markets, and Fund Performance. His latest book is on Digital Currency.

He graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a BSc (Econs), MSc (Mathematical Economics and Econometrics) and a PhD in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.

Visiting Scholar, Fulbright Fellow

In this talk, Wellington Shih will provide a historical and legal overview of the Republic of China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. He will also review the latest developments in the ongoing dispute between the People’s Republic of China, the ROC on Taiwan, and other claimants in the region, including the Philippines, and discuss the South China Sea Peace Initiative proposed by the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou. 

The Possible Approaches for Defusing Tensions in the South China Sea: A Taiwanese Perspective
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Visiting scholar Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)

This module addresses the challenges faced by public sector leaders as they foster economic growth in politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, it uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. 

LAD provides participants with an analytical framework to build these leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions. Major themes are 1) Providing Public Goods 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating Investment, and 4) the State as Economic Catalyst. This program is designed to reinforce and illustrate three critically important hypotheses about the role of public policy in private sector development.

Case studies for this course are available here.  

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy



This module addresses the challenges faced by public sector leaders as they foster economic growth in politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, it uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. 

LAD provides participants with an analytical framework to build these leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions.  Major themes are 1) Providing Public Goods 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating Investment, and 4) the State as Economic Catalyst. This program is designed to reinforce and illustrate three critically important hypotheses about the role of public policy in private sector development.

Case studies for this course are available here.  

Singapore Management University


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