The Marikana Mineworkers Massacre and the Crisis of Democracy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Mazibuko Jara, one of the Social Entrepreneurs in Residence this fall through CDDRL’s Program on Social Entrepreneurship, will be discussing the August 16 massacre of striking mineworkers at the Lonmin Marikana mine in S. Africa and the subsequent wave of mineworker strikes which continue to this day. Since the April 1994 historic democratic breakthrough and defeat of apartheid, South Africa has seen 18 years of rule by Mandela's African National Congress (ANC). What has this meant for democracy? What changes have there been in the lives of poor and working people? In November, the ANC government released results of a national census which confirmed that the socio-economic inequalities inherited from apartheid persist including the fact that white families earn six times the average income of black families. These statistics and anti-democratic laws being proposed by government (the Protection of State Information Bill and the Traditional Courts Bill) epitomize the crisis facing South Africa 18 years into democratic rule. The event will provide a critical discussion of the democratic challenges facing South Africa today.
About the speaker:
Mazibuko Kanyiso Jara a 2012 Social Entrepreneurs-in-Residence at Stanford and a research associate at UCT Law, Race and Gender Research Unit examines the future of the underdeveloped rural areas in the former homelands, which are increasingly shaped by various conflicts and contradictions: between the Constitution and the official version of customary law; between custom and rights; between traditional councils and municipalities; between rural dwellers and tribal authorities; between rural women and patriarchal tribal institutions; and between imposed tribal institutions and local experiments with community-based systems.
This event is co-sponsored with the Center for African Studies
Encina Ground Floor Conference Room