China's Left Behind Children: Impact of Parental Migration on Health, Nutrition and Educational Outcomes
China’s rapid development and urbanization have induced large numbers of rural residents to migrate from their homes to urban areas in search of better job opportunities. Parents typically leave their children behind with a caregiver, creating a new, potentially vulnerable subpopulation of left-behind children in rural areas. A growing number of policies and nongovernmental organization efforts target these children. The primary objective of this study was to examine whether left-behind children are really the most vulnerable and in need of special programs. Pulling data from a comprehensive data set covering 141,000 children in ten provinces (from twenty-seven surveys conducted between 2009 and 2013), we analyzed nine indicators of health, nutrition, and education. We found that for all nine indicators, left-behind children performed as well as or better than children living with both parents. However, both groups of children performed poorly on most of these indicators. Based on these findings, we recommend that special programs designed to improve health, nutrition, and education among left-behind children be expanded to cover all children in rural China.
World Bank chief presents plan to end extreme poverty, prevent pandemic
Stanford students belong to the first generation that could witness the end of extreme global poverty — in what would be one of humankind's greatest achievements — the head of the World Bank said during a recent talk on campus.
But their generation, he said, is also likely to experience the first global pandemic since the 1918 influenza that killed more than 50 million people.
Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, said innovations in health, education and finance are behind the World Bank's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent of the global population.
Speaking at the inaugural conference of the Stanford Global Development and Poverty Initiative on Oct. 29, Kim lauded faculty and students for their multidisciplinary approach in tackling poverty and improving public health. He is an infectious disease physician who oversaw World Health Organization initiatives on HIV/AIDS.
"Seeking transformative solutions to challenges of development and poverty that are necessarily cross-disciplinary is exactly what a great university should be doing," Kim said in his speech at Stanford.
The World Bank announced last month that the number of people living on less than $1.90 a day is expected to drop to 9.6 percent of the global population by the end of the year. That is down from 36 percent in 1990.
The bank has pledged to cut that rate to 3 percent by 2030.
"We expect the extreme poverty rate to drop below 10 percent for the first time in human history," he said. "This is the best news in the world today. And this is the first generation in human history that has been able to see that potential outcome."
Promoting prosperity
One of the co-founders of Partners in Health, Kim was the keynote speaker at the daylong conference, "Shared Prosperity and Health," which drew together Stanford faculty and researchers, plus government and NGO officials from around the world.
Stanford's global development and poverty effort is a university-wide initiative of the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies, known as Stanford Seed, and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. The conference was held at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, which was a partner in the event.
Kim's talk was optimistic about the newly adopted U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, with an ambitious agenda to end poverty and hunger, ensure healthy lives, empower women and girls and attain quality education for all children by 2030.
While those goals seem lofty, Kim pointed to the accomplishment of bringing down extreme poverty to 10 percent, a figure many had once said was impossible.
Ninety-one percent of children in developing countries now attend primary school, up from 83 percent in 2000, he said. And the number of people on antiretroviral drugs for treatment of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa has increased eightfold in the last decade.
"But we're humbled by the challenges ahead," Kim said. "Rising global temperatures will have devastating impacts on poor countries and poor people – and, as we saw with Ebola, major pandemics are likely to disproportionately affect the poor."
Pandemic threats
Kim said that most virologists and infectious disease experts are certain a pandemic will sweep the world in the next 30 years. He said that would lead to more than 30 million deaths and anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of lost GDP.
He blasted the global community for taking eight months to respond to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, noting that Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia had among the fastest growing economies in Africa before the outbreak killed more than 11,000 people – most of whom were poor.
In an effort to speed up financial aid the next time such an outbreak occurs, the World Bank is developing the Pandemic Emergency Facility, which would disburse funding immediately to national governments and responding agencies.
Rajiv Shah, the administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development from 2010-2015, spoke earlier at the conference about his work leading the U.S. efforts to contain Ebola.
"Three small countries with total population of maybe 30 million people had such weak health systems with so little domestic investment – in one country $6 per capita health investment per year – that when Ebola became a crisis there was no first-line of defense," he said.
By October 2014, the U.S. was pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into containment efforts, including the establishment of a 2,500-personnel military deployment to hit Ebola on the ground. Shah said President Obama "stayed extraordinarily true to the science" of containment at the source.
Stunted children
Moving beyond containment of epidemics, Kim said the most important investment developing countries could make in their people starts when a woman becomes pregnant. Using a combination of health, nutrition and education will have lifelong benefits for each child, as well as for the country in which each prospers.
The World Bank estimates that 26 percent of all children under age 5 in developing countries are stunted, which means they are malnourished and under-stimulated, risking a loss of cognitive abilities that lasts a lifetime. The number climbs to 36 percent in sub-Saharan Africa, giving those children limited prospects in life."This is a disgrace, a global scandal and, in my view, akin to a medical emergency," Kim said. "Children who are stunted by age 5 will not have an equal opportunity in life. If your brain won't let you learn and adapt in a fast-changing world, you won't prosper and, neither will society. All of us lose."
From 2001 to 2013, the World Bank invested $3.3 billion in early childhood development programs in poor countries. Kim said innovative policymaking and financial tools allowed the bank to help Peru cut its rate of child stunting in half to 14 percent in just eight years.
"Progress is possible – and it can happen quickly. But we must do even more,"he said.
Kim said the world set a target in 2012 to reduce stunting in children by 40 percent. But that would still leave 100 million children malnourished and undereducated. The bank and world leaders should pledge to end stunting for all children by 2030, he said.
"With partners like the Global Development and Poverty Initiative and the entire Stanford community, I'm full of hope that we can indeed be the first generation in human history to end extreme poverty and create a more just and prosperous world for everyone on the planet."
Read more here about another innovation to improve health in the developing world.
Trick or Treat: using mobile health to save one tooth at a time
Every Halloween there seems to be another animated brushing campaign to save children from their own sweet tooths. For most, the goal is simple: better oral hygiene for kids.
PLAQUEMONSTER is different.
Developed by Jason Wang, director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention (CPOP) and a Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR) core faculty member, and his team, PLAQUEMONSTER does encourage children to practice good oral hygiene. However, the true purpose of the app is to provide feedback on the user’s engagement that can be used for future forays into mobile health.
Using the game’s team mechanic, the app urges children to encourage their friends to brush and floss. Teammates can release a tooth pet from jail, so kids must hold each other accountable if they want their team to progress.
“The social aspect really does make a difference,” said Zara Abraham, a digital media specialist at CPOP and one of the app’s designers. She found that the app’s first child testers “would always be on the phone making sure that each one was doing their work, checking on their teeth.”
The social aspect is likely to engage children more than the average brushing and flossing campaign, according to Abraham. The app’s storyline also helps set PLAQUEMONSTER apart.
However, PLAQUEMONSTER is more than just a game, more even than a campaign for oral hygiene. Wang’s team hopes to use health literacy games along with demographic and engagement information to develop other mobile health apps. Ultimately, PLAQUEMONSTER is a tool for discovering how people engage with health on a mobile platform and how mobile health apps can improve health care.
Wang unveiled the mHealth app at Stanford Medicine's Population Health Sciences Colloquium last week.
“The spirit that Jason brings to the app is the game mechanics of behavioral economics,” said Manuel Rivera, product manager at CPOP.
Eventually, Wang’s team hopes to develop other mHealth apps that could aid patients with serious conditions, helping them to track their health and engage in their care plan. Wang’s long-term goal is for “people who are of working age and elderly to improve their quality of life and health trajectories” using mobile health.
If all goes well, PLAQUEMONSTER could be a first step toward active engagement between patients and health care using mobile platforms.
This project is supported by an NIH Director's New Innovator Award.
Crossing disciplines and using technology could help populations in need
Medical researchers must work together across disciplines to provide better health care to those who need it most, according to panelists at Stanford Medicine’s Annual Population Health Sciences Colloquium.
The symposium, hosted by the Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences, brought together working groups from across the Stanford campus to showcase the latest findings in population health research.
“Population health science at Stanford is likely to make the most important contributions when we cross traditional intellectual expertise disciplines,” said Paul H. Wise, a core faculty member at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR).
Many of the scholars at the daylong conference on Tuesday stressed that an interdisciplinary approach to health care is crucial to understanding and aiding underserved populations.
“To deal with life-course questions we need to create-life course observational windows,” said Mark Cullen, chief of the Division of General Medical Disciplines and director of the Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences.
Instead of trying to create an all-encompassing care plan for the human population as a whole, panelists demonstrated that studying the needs of particular groups, or smaller populations, can better serve individuals within populations that may not receive the best care.
Douglas K. Owens, director of CHP/PCOR, said the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, of which he is a member, has “often faced a real paucity of data trying to develop prediction guidelines for both the very young and the old.”
The Task Force, a panel of experts that makes recommendations for medical prevention services, is generally able to make guidelines for large populations like adults, but suggestions for specialized groups like children and the elderly are more challenging. Though Stanford researchers like Wise are working to improve care for particular sectors like children, more study is needed.
Several speakers at the conference said the underserved population of poor children could benefit from research targeted toward their population group.
“We don’t really understand the biology of the life-course, why things taking place in gestation and early life actually affect healthy aging and adult onset disease,” said Wise, adding, “We have a very poor understanding of how to translate this understanding into effective interventions for communities in need.”
Panelists agreed that big data can help them understand smaller, poorly served populations, such as young children in impoverished communities. By collecting large amounts of data from the general population, researchers will increase the amount of data available for more specific groups. This allows researchers to study these populations more closely and help create better outcomes.
Abby King, a professor of health research and policy and of medicine, and Jason Wang, director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention (CPOP) and a CHP/PCOR core faculty member, believe life-course digital applications can provide individualized care while collecting data on a large-scale.
According to King, a life-course app, or a device to track health and provide care throughout one’s life, would grow with the user and help them through important developmental stages.
Health-care techniques using mobile devices, known as mHealth, could be particularly useful in underserved populations. King notes that even low-income populations have cell phones, so using phones as health-care tools could help decrease the gap between higher- and lower-income populations.
“I think for us one of the major challenges of the century is to really close that health-disparities gap and mHealth can help.”
However, each app must be tailored to the user.
“There’s no reason to believe that an African-American 16-year-old is going to be motivated the same way as a 45-year-old white man,” said Wang. “You need to involve patients in the design of the app.” When the app fits the specific patient’s needs, they are more likely to use it regularly, and knowing the needs of their population helps determine their preferences.
As the world continues to become more connected, the panelists said that reaching across disciplines and incorporating technology may hold the key to effective health care in the 21st century.
A Global Perspective on Food Policy
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A Global Perspective on Food Policy
I applaud Mark Bittman, Michael Pollan, Ricardo Salvador, and Olivier de Schutter for advocating the introduction of a national food policy in the U.S. Greater emphasis in our current farm legislation on nutrition, health, equity, and the environment is clearly warranted and long overdue. As the authors note, Americans’ access to adequate nutrition at all income levels affects educational and health outcomes for the nation as a whole. Poor nutrition thus plays a role in determining the level and distribution of economic and social wellbeing in the U.S, now and in the future. It is surprising that no one within the large circle of Presidential hopefuls has raised the topic of food, not just agriculture, as a major political issue for the 2016 election.
The U.S. is not unique. Virtually every country with an agrarian base has, at some point in history, introduced agricultural policies that support farmers and provide incentives for them to produce major commodities. At the time, governments have been able to justify these policies on several grounds: national security (avoiding excess dependence on foreign nations for food), economic growth (using agricultural surpluses as an engine of economic growth), and social stability (keeping its population well-fed to avoid social unrest). Once agricultural policies are implemented, they typically give rise to institutions and vested political interests that perpetuate a supply-side orientation to food and agriculture. In the U.S., the political institutions that govern food and agriculture have their roots in historical political precedents that date back to the 1860s, and later to the 1930s when the New Deal was promulgated. Farm interests have been entrenched in the U.S. political system for quite some time, and they cannot be easily removed.
There is a general rule for successful policies: Align incentives with objectives. A corollary to this principle is that objectives change over the course of economic development. For the United States in earlier eras, and for many developing economies in recent decades, meeting basic calorie needs has been the first order of business. This objective has been largely achieved through public investments in infrastructure (irrigation, roads), research and development, commodity support programs, incentives for private agribusiness development, and other supply-side measures.
With successful agricultural growth and rising incomes, many countries face a new set of food and nutrition challenges: eliminating “hidden hunger” (deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, calcium, zinc and other micronutrients), and abating the steady rise in obesity that results from a transition to diets rich in energy-dense carbohydrates, fats, and sugar. Hidden hunger affects some three billion people worldwide. It is prevalent among low-income households in almost all countries, impairs cognitive and physical development (especially among infants up to two years of age) and thus limits a nation’s educational and economic potential. Meanwhile, rates of obesity now surpass rates of energy-deficient hunger throughout the world, even in developing nations.
The objectives of food and agricultural policies in virtually all countries need to shift, on balance, from promoting staple food supplies to enhancing nutrition. I am not suggesting an abandonment of agriculture, but rather an enrichment of agriculture with more crop diversity to support the nutritional needs of all people. If improved nutrition is the objective, what are the correct incentives? Proper incentives will differ among countries, but will inevitably require a fundamental change in institutional structure. With a shift from supply- to demand orientation, there needs to be a transition from Ministries of Agriculture to Ministries of Food. After all, the main goals of a Ministry of Agriculture are to increase the volume of agricultural production and to improve economic growth in the agricultural sector. The main goal of a Ministry of Food, by contrast, is to enhance the nutrition and food security of the entire population.
Bittman, Pollan, Salvador, and de Schutter emphasize that replacing the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with a “U.S. Department of Food, Health, and Wellbeing” would be difficult at best. It would require unprecedented political will and cooperation among parties. The same can be said for institutional change in agricultural ministries throughout the world. Regardless of the challenges, however, nothing will change until the conversation surrounding food policies, politics, and institutions takes a major turn.
Huffington Post: How Glasses Can Help Solve Rural China's Schooling Problem
Matt Sheehan
China Correspondent, The WorldPost
October 12th, 2015
Simply giving nearsighted children glasses can dramatically boost their school performance. Convincing teachers and parents is harder.
This article is the second in a What’s Working series that looks at innovative policy solutions pioneered by the Rural Education Action Program. REAP brings together researchers from Stanford University and China to devise new ways to improve rural education and alleviate poverty. You can read the first article in the series here.
QIN'AN COUNTY, China -- Wei Wentai can barely be heard over the crescendo of cackles coming from the hallway. Fourth graders everywhere cane be boisterousness, but today the presence of two foreigners, an exotic breed in the rugged hills of western China, has driven these kids into a frenzy.
You could try to reason with the children: tell them they need to quiet down because Dr. Wei is here to train their teachers in how to perform vision tests. Those tests will give some kids free glasses so they can see the blackboard, dramatically improving their grades and chances of graduating high school.
But yeah, that’d be about as effective here in rural Gansu, in China's northwest, as it would be in Alabama, and it takes the lunch bell to drag the mob away from the classroom window.
With relative peace restored, Wei continues to tutor the 12 village schoolteachers in the basics of eyesight and education. Having grown up nearby, he knows what superstitions to dispel (“No, glasses do not make your eyes worse”) and what points to drive home (“Yes, glasses dramatically improve grades for nearsighted students”). Despite receiving his medical training in Shanghai, Wei returned home after graduating and always speaks in the local dialect when training the teachers to perform this basic eye exam and write referrals.
Teachers in Weng Yao village practice administering eye exams. Photo credit: Matt Sheehan
It’s a simple presentation tailored to this county, but one predicated on years of trust building and scientific trials by researchers on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.
Driving the project, called Seeing is Learning, are researchers from Stanford University’s Rural Education Action Plan (REAP) and Shaanxi Normal University’s Center for Experimental Economics in Education (CEEE). These groups operate in an emerging field of development economics that prizes rigorous experimentation over theory. Concrete interventions, randomized controlled trials and impact analysis are what drive their research and policy recommendations. Randomized controlled trials compare a randomly assigned group of participants receiving a particular treatment being studied with one not receiving the treatments. These trials are often called the gold standard of scientific research.
REAP and CEEE have spent almost five years accruing the political capital and research results that they hope will overcome one of the biggest obstacles standing between rural Chinese kids and a high school diploma: most of them can’t even see the writing on the blackboard.
Like many of their peers around East Asia, rural Chinese children suffer high rates of myopia. Around 57 percent are nearsighted by middle school, according to one REAP study. Unlike schoolchildren in Singapore or in China’s cities, most kids growing up in the Chinese countryside are ignorant of and isolated from vision care.
Students line up for a vision screening organized by REAP and CEEE.
In hundreds of visits to rural Chinese classrooms, REAP program director Matt Boswell has rarely seen a bespectacled face. A patchy and inadequate rural medical system, the high cost of glasses and cultural preferences for eye exercises over glasses (what one researcher calls “voodoo health”) mean that most children growing up in townships and villages never take a vision test.
“There is no eye care at the township level in China,” said Boswell. “Period.”
That void has a huge impact on education. In a study published in the British Medical Journal, REAP and Chinese researchers showed that giving myopic kids free glasses improved their math test scores by about as much as reducing class sizes. Those improvements came despite the fact that only 41 percent of students who were prescribed glasses actually wore them regularly. According to Boswell, when results were limited to the students who actually wore the glasses they were given, the impact proved enormous: it roughly halved the achievement gap between these rural students and their urban peers in just nine months.
A girl tries on her first pair of glasses at the Qi'nan County Hospital. Photo credit: Matt Sheehan
Improvements of that size represent some of the juiciest low-hanging fruit in Chinese education. Sixty percent of children in the countryside will drop out before high school, many due to failed grades and entrance exams. These tens of millions of dropouts threaten to throw a wrench in the Chinese government's plan to transition to a service- and innovation-based economy.
But when dealing with China’s bureaucracies, having a simple solution to a vexing problem isn’t enough to start harvesting that low-hanging fruit. The real art and science of the project came in aligning bureaucratic interests to get it off the ground.
“Every issue has its own little ecosystem,” Boswell said.
For Seeing is Learning, that ecosystem involved education officials committed to the eye exercise regime, schools that closely guard access to their students, families who are deeply suspicious of the effect of eyeglasses and hospitals that saw no reason to screen rural kids.
Students hurry to lunch at a school in Weng Yao village. Photo credit: Matt Sheehan
To break the impasse, the researchers had to first get local education bureaucrats on board. Randomized controlled trials proved the effectiveness of glasses and debunked the myth of eye exercises. They caught the eye of a powerful official in the nearby city of Tianshui, whose backing opened the doors to local schools. With REAP’s pledge to subsidize glasses, the hospitals suddenly saw large new markets materialize.
As a kicker, one trial found that when teachers were offered an iPad if their students were wearing glasses during random inspections, usage rates jumped from 9 to 80 percent.
“Hospitals love it because they get in the schools. Principals love it because of the impact on scores,” said Boswell. “We love it because the kids are learning.”
Turning that newfound excitement into a working program required the creation of two “Model Vision Counties” in which nurses and doctors like Wei Wentai receive accelerated optometry training. In order to expand that reach from the county seat down to the village, REAP ran another trial to see if teachers could conduct accurate eye exams after just a half-day training (answer: yes). So the newly trained doctors now rotate through the village schools, training teachers who then refer students to the hospital vision centers for proper prescriptions.
An elementary school teacher practices administering an eye exam during training. Photo credit: Matt Sheehan
Now the researchers are looking to scale up the program to six counties and at the same time turn the vision centers into sustainable social enterprises. Using their privileged access to schools, the vision centers can sell glasses to urban children with the resources to pay. Those profits then subsidize the first pair of glasses for rural kids, and repay REAP's initial loan, which REAP can then reinvest in creating further Model Vision Counties.
It’s a new model for REAP and one that prompts many new research questions. Can the vision centers earn enough revenue to both subsidize glasses and keep the hospitals happy? Will teachers enforce wearing eyeglasses if given a simple mandate rather than an iPad? Will the impact of the first pair of glasses convince rural parents to purchase the second pair?
Those questions will be investigated and answered when the project scales up. But as this van winds its way back down from the village to the county hospital, Wei Wentai reflects on the work they’ve done.
A child takes an eye exam administered by REAP and CEEE.
Stanford students investigate India's pharmaceutical networks
MUMBAI, India – India’s colors, crowd and noises can overpower a newcomer. And the unfathomable wealth and crushing poverty that are both on display reinforce the sense that this is a country of extremes.
Four Stanford students embraced this savory sensory overload while navigating the labyrinthine Indian health-care system during seven weeks of research in the poor communities outside the financial capital, Mumbai, this summer.
“I think this experience has just hammered into me that it’s a very diverse country with a range of experiences,” said Lina Vadlamani, a Human Biology major just starting her senior year. “As one pharmaceutical owner said to us, ‘India might be poor — but the Indian people are not.’ There’s just so much going on here.”
One day they whizzed by bright Bollywood movie posters in belching auto-rickshaws and gaped up at Antilia, the 27-story mansion of a business tycoon considered the world’s most expensive home after Buckingham Palace.
The next, the students were talking to mothers of one Dalit community — members of the so-called “untouchable” Hindu caste — in the slums on the outskirts of Mumbai. They sat on the floor of a one-room community center taking notes as the women told them about their struggles to get access to medicine and doctors.
And yet another day, the students and their Indian colleagues and translators crouched in a small stucco pharmacy in the heat and humidity of the monsoon season while talking to a doctor about the procurement of traditional medicines.
The three Stanford seniors and one School of Medicine student were tracking access to health care, the quality of that care, and the way pharmaceutical networks impact medical practices in India. The Stanford India Health Policy Initiative fellows saw for themselves that the world’s largest democracy has become a microcosm of humanity’s bustling economic prosperity and yawning stretches of poverty.
“I think Mumbai is the place to see the extremes of inequality,” says Mark Walsh, an Economics major starting his senior year and a coterm who already has a Master’s in Public Policy with a focus on international development. “I’m just trying to think about how some of this great prosperity can be applied to the health problems that are affecting some of the most disadvantaged members of Indian society.”
Hadley Reid, another HumBio senior, and Pooja Makhijani, who just began her second year at the Stanford School of Medicine, are the other fellows. The students spent six days a week in the field for seven weeks and then would debrief one another every night back in their rooms on what they had learned that day.
“I’ve always thought I might be interested in doing international field work,” said Reid. “And I thought this fellowship would be a good way to experience that and see what’s really happening on the ground versus what you learn in the classroom.”
Navigating the three medical practices in India
Grant Miller, an associate professor of medicine and core faculty member at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, directs the India Health Policy Initiative. The program, now in its third year, aims to work on the ground to identify obstacles to health-care delivery in the South Asian nation.
Miller gave the four fellows a mission: Spend your summer investigating the pharmaceutical networks that cater to the three main branches of Indian medicine:
The more mainstream Western practice of allopathy;
The traditional AYUSH system of medicine: ayurveda, yoga, unani, siddha and homeopathy.
And the large network of providers who have no formal medical training.
“The fellowship has two objectives,” said Miller, also a senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. “One is to develop a nuanced, on-the-ground understanding of the practical realities that often cause otherwise promising health programs in India to fail. The other is to provide in-depth, non-clinical field experience to Stanford students interested in global health.”
Nomita Divi, program manager of the initiative, said the fellowship is designed to be demanding. During the preparatory spring quarter, the students brainstormed with a design-thinking expert about how to formulate their research and work toward specific goals. When the students return to Stanford later this month, they will focus on unpacking and analyzing the data and then writing a full report.
“Our aim is to expose students to the realities of field research in India and provide them sufficient time to grasp the realities on the ground, as well as provide them with the tools to assimilate their observations into a final report,” said Divi.
When they arrived in Mumbai in early July, the fellows went through a week of training with Veena Das, the renowned social anthropologist from Johns Hopkins University who is on the executive board of the New Delhi-based Institute of Socio-Economic Research on Development and Democracy (ISERDD). She taught the students how to conduct field research and compose discussion guides before they crossed the thresholds of more than 100 homes of patients and offices of physicians, pharmacists and drug wholesalers.
ISERDD is a nonprofit organization devoted to research on social and economic issues and is the leading partner of the Stanford initiative, providing decades of qualitative and quantitative data sets as well as field researchers who worked alongside the students all summer.
“Primary care in poor parts of India is centered around drugs,” Miller said. “This summer, our fellows focused on the relationship between pharmaceutical suppliers and health providers, many of whom work in the informal sector — that is, they lack formal clinical training of any kind.”
Only 1.3 percent of India’s GDP was devoted to public health in 2014, one of the lowest rates in the world, according to the World Bank. India still accounts for 21 percent of the world’s burden of disease, yet the amount of public funds India invests in health care is quite small compared to other emerging economies.
Most of the cost of health care falls to the patient in India, where 86 percent of the 1.2 billion people must pay for health care and medications on their own. While the private sector caters to Indians who can pay, the poor are left to rely on the often less-than-optimal public health care system and a network of family and friends.
Unproductive spending and corruption also cripple the system.
In the Field
Jaya Jadhav, a young mother in the Dalit community, explained to the students that they rely on a government nurse who comes once a month to hand out paracetamol. They have no local doctor to treat the more serious cases of typhoid and malaria, so must travel to the next settlement to see a doctor.
The women also turn to poorly trained practitioners who purchase wholesale drugs from small manufacturers and dispense these cheaper, unlabeled and often diluted pills to their patients.
As the students interviewed the women, a dozen children sat on the floor eating government-donated puffed rice and boiled gram from tiffin pots; mothers nursed beneath their saris and politely answered questions. At the end, the women asked shyly if the Stanford students had any medications they could share.
The students explained they were not doctors, but hoped that learning about the women’s daily lives would help them with their findings.
“Well, if it will one day benefit the women in the area, then this exchange of ideas about health is a good thing,” says Jadhav.
But the students weren’t always so sure.
“One of the things that I’m struggling with is the frustration of being able to do so little for these people, who basically have nothing but are ready to give us all their time,” says Makhijani, an American whose parents are from Mumbai. “But I realize I have the potential to be able to do that in the future, so I’m considering coming back to work here one day.”
Hoping for Results
Vadlamani — one of the HumBio majors who this fall also begins the Department of Medicine’s new coterm Master’s Program in Community Health and Prevention Research — applied for the fellowship because of its emphasis on field work.
““It makes us feel like detectives in a way,” said Vadlamani, who was born in the southern India city of Hyderabad and moved to the States with her parents when she was an infant. “I hope we would leave this experience with a couple of concrete areas that need to be focused on that would, down the road, lead to a policy change.”
Reid also believes their summer-long research will yield results.
“I’m not saying we’re painting the broadest, most accurate picture of the situation in India,” she said. “I know we’re taking a very small sample outside of Mumbai. But the hope is our findings will decrease some of the obstacles to effective policymaking for the health care system in India one day.”
Some of the key trends the students observed include the murky government regulations on certain classes of drugs, and the lack of knowledge about the current restrictions of antibiotic and steroid use among AYUSH doctors.
And compounding communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, Indians are increasingly suffering from non-communicable diseases as well.
“That’s happening across the developing world, these chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension,” said Walsh. “And these families aren’t used to having to deal with these kinds of chronic diseases.”
The rural poor cannot afford to see a primary care physician who would school them in lifestyle changes to fight a potentially deadly disease such as diabetes.
And those who can afford a doctor in rural India often can’t find one.
India currently has some 840,000 doctors, or about seven physicians for every 10,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. That compares with about 25 in the United States and 16 in India’s economic rival, China.
The doctors the students did meet were generally overworked and struggling to keep up with all their patients and the shifting laws and regulations. But the students were forced to let go of some of their preconceived notions.
“Although there’s definitely a lot of gaps in knowledge, I’ve been surprised at how much doctors do know and how well trained they are,” said Makhijani, who often visits family in Mumbai, but had never ventured out into the poorer communities where her grandfather once ran a government hospital.
“I’ve never had such personal interactions with people living in the slums, with the doctors who are working here,” she said. “It really turns your perspective around, how resilient and creative they are.”
An Honor and Duty
Dr. Masood Ahmed Khan, a physician and pharmacist, spent nearly two hours with the students, with no prior knowledge that they would show up at his door and pepper him with questions about how he runs his unani practice.
When asked why he would give so much of his time, he said it was his “honor and duty” to help the students better understand the ups and downs of his medical community in one of the poor Muslim corners of Mumbai.
Dr. Khan then bid farewell with a cup of masala chai and this advice as they embark on their careers: “Go with empathy, go with humanity — and go with humility.”
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Beth Duff-Brown is the communications manager for the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research. She joined the students in Mumbai for a week to blog about their research. You can read the blog postings here.
Charming Prince Lee Sanders helps East Palo Alto patient's dream come true
Many little girls imagine being a Disney princess, but few have the chance to live their dream. Josselin is one of the lucky few. She suffers from retinoblastoma and is blind, and what she wanted most for her 14th birthday was a princess party. The Make-A-Wish Foundation made her dream a reality with help from Dr. Lee Sanders, a member of her Stanford medical team and a CHP/PCOR core faculty member. Dressed as her Prince Charming, Sanders escorted the birthday girl, attired in a custom-made Belle ball gown, to her ballroom birthday party and shared her first dance to "Beauty and the Beast." Says Josselin, "I can’t stop thinking about my big princess party. Now I feel happier than ever."