Children's health
Beth Duff-Brown
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The U.S. government's global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future, has prevented 2.2 million children from experiencing malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa, according to new research led by Stanford Health Policy's PhD candidate Tess Ryckman.

The researchers compared children’s health in 33 low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In 12 of those countries, Feed the Future provided services such as agricultural assistance and financial services for farmers, as well as direct nutrition support, such as nutrient supplementation. 

The study, published online Dec. 11 in The BMJ, found a 3.9 percentage point decrease in chronic malnutrition among children served by Feed the Future, leading to 2.2 million fewer children whose development has been harmed by malnourishment.

“What we see with stunting rates is striking,” Ryckman said. “I would argue that 2 million fewer children stunted over seven years is major progress and puts a substantial dent in total stunting levels. And that’s 2 million children who will now have the levels of physical and cognitive development to allow them to reach their full potential.”

Stunting, or having a low height for a particular age, is a key indicator of child malnutrition. Children who aren’t properly nourished in their first 1,000 days are more likely to get sick more often, to perform poorly in school, grow up to be economically disadvantaged and suffer from chronic diseases, according to the World Health Organization.

A Controlled Study

Feed the Future is thought to be the world’s largest agricultural and nutrition program, with around $6 billion in funding from USAID (plus more from other federal agencies) between 2010 and 2015. Despite its size, much remains unknown about the effectiveness of the program.

The researchers analyzed survey data on almost 900,000 children younger than 5 in sub-Saharan Africa from 2000 to 2017. They compared children from the Feed the Future countries with those in countries that are not participants in the program, both before and after the program’s implementation in 2011.

The researchers found the results were even more pronounced — a 4.6 percentage point decline in stunting — when they restricted their sample to populations most likely to have been reached by program. These included children who were younger when the program began, rural areas where Feed the Future operated more intensively, and in countries where the program had greater geographic coverage.

“Our findings are certainly encouraging because it has been difficult for other programs and interventions to demonstrate impact on stunting, and this program has received a lot of funding, so it’s good to see that it’s having an impact,” Ryckman said.

Multifaceted Approach to Nutrition

Experts are divided about the best way to help the world’s 149 million malnourished children: Is assistance that directly targets nutrition, such as breastfeeding promotion or nutrient supplementation, more effective? Or is it also beneficial to tackle the problem at its root by supporting agriculture and confronting household poverty?

The authors, including Stanford Health Policy’s Eran Bendavid, MD, associate professor of medicine, and Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, a senior fellow (by courtesy) at the Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies and a senior fellow senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, said their analysis supports the value of a multifaceted approach to combating malnutrition among children, namely leveraging agriculture and food security interventions.

“Independent evaluations of large health policy programs such as Feed the Future help build the evidence base needed to tackle persistent patterns of undernutrition,” said Bendavid, an epidemiologist. “The widespread prevalence of stunting and chronic undernutrition is among the most common and yet most stubborn cause of underdevelopment in the world, and learning what works in this space is sorely needed.”

The researchers, including Stanford medical students Margot Robinson and Courtney Pederson, speculated that possible drivers of the program’s effectiveness include three features of Feed the Future’s design: its country-tailored approach; its focus on underlying drivers of nutrition, such as empowering female farmers; and its large scale and adequate funding.

The authors hope their independent evaluation of the program might lead to more funding and support for it. At the very least, they said, it should demonstrate to people working on Feed the Future and the broader global nutrition program community that programs focused mostly on agriculture and food security — indirect contributors to malnutrition — can lead to success.

Value Unknown

Feed the Future has been scaled back in recent years — it once served 19 countries and now reaches only 12. The program’s budget also remains somewhat murky.

“While there isn’t much data on the program’s funding under the Trump administration, the program appears to have been scaled back, at least in terms of the countries where it operates,” Ryckman said. “It’s possible that some of these gains could be lost, absent longer-term intervention from Feed the Future.”


The researchers also did not look at whether the program provided high value for the money spent.

“While we find that it has been effective, it hasn’t led to drastic declines in stunting and it is unclear whether it is good value for money,” she said.

Ryckman also noted that USAID’s own evaluation of its program is tenuous because it looked only at before-and-after stunting levels in Feed the Future countries without comparing the results to a control group or adjusting for other sources of bias, which is problematic because stunting is slowly declining in most countries.

“These types of evaluations are misleading,” Ryckman said. “The U.S. government really needs to prioritize having their programs independently evaluated using more robust methods. That was part of our motivation for doing this study.”

Support for the study was provided by the National Institutes of Health (grant P20-AG17253), the National Science Foundation and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.


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Erin Digitale
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A team of Stanford experts has produced a series of videos aimed at benefiting children detained at the U.S. border. Intended for lawyers who work with detained migrants, the videos describe how to interview young people using techniques informed by scientific knowledge on trauma. 

“Many of the attorneys working at the border have little experience interviewing children who have undergone serious emotional trauma, and it’s essential that those interviews — which are being done for kids’ benefit — don’t exacerbate the trauma they’ve experienced,” said Stanford Health Policy's Paul Wise, MD, professor of pediatrics and one of the project’s leaders. “In addition, having good, sensitive interviewing skills makes it far more likely that the lawyers will get the information they need to represent the best interests of children at the border.”

The project, which consists of four videos that were released today, is an example of how Stanford experts from a variety of disciplines can tackle a real-life problem with complex health, psychosocial, legal and political angles, according those involved in the work. The series of videos, each about 8 minutes long, can be viewed for free online. The full toolkit can be accessed here.  

“We’re a medical school, dedicated to improving health and well-being in the real world,” Wise said. “This project came together quickly because of the transdisciplinary, collaborative environment at Stanford.”

“We all brought different expertise to the work, with the shared goals of underscoring our common humanity and the love we all have for our children,” said Maya Adam, MD, director of health education outreach for the Stanford Center for Health Education, which produced the videos. 


Children detained near border

Over the last few years, tens of thousands of migrant children and teenagers — mostly from Central America — have been detained near the U.S. border while awaiting decisions on their immigration cases. Often, they are kept in jail-like facilities and do not know how long they will be detained. Many of these young migrants experienced significant trauma, such as witnessing violence or having family members die at the hands of gangs, before they arrived at the border. The hazards of the journey and the experience of being detained once they arrive can further traumatize them, Wise said. 

Two groups of lawyers are working with children and teenagers in the U.S. immigration system: Some conduct interviews to help monitor the government’s treatment of detained children, while others offer legal representation to migrants who may qualify for asylum. But these lawyers, who work with nonprofit agencies or are volunteering their time pro bono, may lack information about the unique challenges of interviewing traumatized children, a need the Stanford team hopes to fill.

The videos are a collaboration between Stanford experts from several disciplines, including pediatrics, global health, psychology and psychiatry, as well as faculty at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley and medical and legal specialists who work regularly with children at the southern U.S. border. The series was produced by the Digital Medical Education International Collaborative, an initiative of the Stanford Center for Health Education. 

The videos give advice about how to connect with children and teens to gain their trust. They explain basic information about the emotional needs of younger children and adolescents, especially in regard to their developmental understanding of traumatic experiences, and discuss how each age group may respond to talking about trauma. The videos also show vignettes, illustrated with simple animations, that provide examples of what detained children and their families may have experienced before arriving at the border and during their interactions with U.S. immigration officials.

‘Pretty scary questions’

“For children in need of defense, attorneys who may be taking their cases on will be asking very sensitive questions to see if they qualify for asylum,” said Marsha Griffin, MD, a clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, who participated in the videos because of her extensive experience treating detained children. “Attorneys may ask, for instance, if children were neglected, abused or abandoned by their parents, or if the child saw a local gang try to kill somebody. They’re pretty scary questions.”

Paul Wise
To ask such questions in a sensitive way, the videos recommend giving children and teens as much control as possible: For example, attorneys are encouraged to explain that they want to help; familiarize themselves beforehand with what they need to say so that they can speak warmly instead of reading from a list; praise interviewees for their effort rather than the content of their answers; and tell kids they can take breaks or end the interview at any time, or skip answering questions if they wish.

“There’s an inherent power differential in interviewing, especially when an adult attorney is working with a child who is new to the country,” said Ryan Matlow, PhD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford, who contributed to the videos. “The adult needs to take care to give the child as much control and agency in the process as possible so that the interview is not retraumatizing for them.”

The videos offer advice about how to recognize when a young person needs additional mental-health support after an interview, such as when a teen who has been interviewed shows signs of being suicidal. They also recommend how lawyers working with migrants can seek emotional support for themselves and avoid burnout.

Shifting immigration policies mean that, in recent months, more migrants have been sent to Mexico to await the outcome of their U.S. immigration cases, the experts said, noting that the videos could act as a resource to lawyers working in Mexico or elsewhere. “The context and settings for interviews may vary based on changing government policies, but the general best-practice approaches for interviewing remain the same,” Matlow said.

Children’s and teens’ needs should be accounted for not just in the interview process but throughout their experiences as migrants arriving in the United States, he added. Children are not able to take on adult perspectives while detained and will likely feel much more traumatized than adults under similar circumstances.

“Adults may think if you keep kids in detention for a short time, it’s not a big deal, but kids are very in-the-moment,” Matlow said. “For them, it really matters ‘what’s happening to me now.’ A resolution in weeks is not as encouraging as for an adult who has a broader perspective on time.”


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Beth Duff-Brown
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Global warming and more days of extreme heat are exacerbating the health risks of pregnancy, particularly among African-American women, according to new Stanford-led research.

The maternal mortality rate among all women in the United States is already the worst of any industrialized nation. And black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related problems than white women.

“It is truly a crisis that in America, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, more women are dying from pregnancy or childbirth complications than in any other developed country,” said Maya Rossin-Slater, a core faculty member at Stanford Health Policy and a faculty fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.

In a new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Rossin-Slater and two other health economists underscore how little research is out there about the impact of rising temperatures on the health of mothers and their newborns.

Pregnant women, for example, are not able to regulate body temperature as efficiently as non-pregnant individuals due to the physiological changes they undergo during gestation. Heat exposure can alter blood flow in the placenta, which can weaken the placenta and lead to complications. And high heat can lead to other pregnancy complications, such as hypertension, preeclampsia and prolonged premature rupture of membranes.

“All of these issues can translate into women needing to be hospitalized during pregnancy and experiencing complications during childbirth,” wrote Rossin-Slater, an assistant professor of health research and policy at Stanford Medicine. Her co-authors are Jiyoon Kim, assistant professor of economics at Elon University, and Ajin Lee, an assistant professor of economics at Michigan State University.

The researchers said most of the discussion about maternal health focuses on the health-care system, but that other determinants of poor maternal health and racial disparities are much less understood, particularly when it comes to how the environment is impacting pregnancy.

So they launched what they believe is the first study to identify the causal effects of prenatal exposures to extreme temperatures on the health of the mothers themselves.

As the Earth Warms, So Does Exposure to Extreme Heat

Their paper focuses on an environmental factor that is becoming increasingly relevant due to the growing consensus that climate change is contributing to a gradual warming of the earth: exposure to extreme heat.

The researchers studied the effects of exposure to extreme temperatures during pregnancy on maternal and child hospitalizations, using inpatient discharge records from three U.S. states with different climates: Arizona, New York and Washington. Their data comes from the State Inpatient Databases from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, including 2.7 million inpatient records of 2.7 million infants and 2.2 million mothers in those three states.

And to measure temperature exposure, the researchers obtained data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

For every county in their data, the researchers calculated the average temperature for every month. Then for every given day in a specific month in that county, they looked at the historic average for how high or low that day’s temperature was relative to the overall temperature in that month in that county.

For example, a 90-degree day in Arizona in September would not be classified as extreme heat since it’s relatively common. But a 90-degree day in New York would be, since temperatures that high are much less common. They classified “extreme heat” as a given day when the temperature is more than three standard deviations (3SD) above that historic county mean.

Then, they compared the outcomes of women who are of the same race giving birth in the same county and calendar month, but in different years. These women are likely similar in terms of their demographics and socioeconomic status, but may be exposed to different temperatures during pregnancy. For example, consider a black woman giving birth in November 2011 in Queens County, New York, and a black woman giving birth in November 2012 in the same county. If there were a heat wave in Queens in the August 2012, then the latter woman is exposed to more extreme heat during pregnancy than the former. 

The economists found that each additional day with heat that is at least 3SDs — or substantially higher than the historic county-month average — during the second trimester of pregnancy increases the likelihood that a newborn is diagnosed with dehydration by .008 percentage points.

“Our results provide new estimates of the health costs of climate change and identify environmental drivers of the black-white maternal health gap,” they wrote. “Understanding the health consequences of this increase in extreme heat is critical information for discussions about the costs of climate change and the possible benefits of mitigating policies.”

The researchers found that each additional day of extreme heat exposure during pregnancy increases black women’s likelihood of hospitalization during pregnancy. Since black women on average are exposed to more extreme heat than white women — due to different residence patterns and access to mitigating technologies like air conditioning — extreme heat may contribute to exacerbating the already large gap in maternal health between black and white women.

Detrimental Consequences of Rising Temperatures

Scientists predict global average temperatures will continue to rise over the next 50 to 100 years as greenhouse gases continue to trap more heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year warned that nations worldwide must quickly reduce fossil fuel use to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5°C by 2050. 

The panel also said the number of days with mean temperatures above 32°C in the average American county is forecasted to increase from about 1 to 43 days per year by 2070-2099.

That could have detrimental consequences for babies and mothers alike.

“Overall, our findings on infant health suggest that exposure to extreme heat during the second trimester increases the likelihood of the baby being dehydrated at the time of birth,” the researchers wrote. “This, in turn, appears to increase the likelihood of subsequent readmission to the hospital many months later for causes linked to dehydration.”

And these impacts are typically missed when researchers only measure infant health using more standard variables, such as birth weight.

The authors note dehydration is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children. Studies show that children under 5 years old who have an average of two episodes of gastroenteritis associated with dehydration per year leads to 2 to 3 million pediatric office visits and accounts for 10% of all pediatric hospital admissions in the United States. 

Experts believe black women are three- to four-times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes due to lack of access to and the poor quality of health care, as well as clinicians not monitoring black women as closely — or actually dismissing their symptoms altogether.

“The fact that the adverse impacts on health during pregnancy are larger for black than for white mothers suggests that climate change may exacerbate the already large racial gap in maternal health,” the researchers said.

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Gary Mukai
Gary Mukai
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In its 46-year history, SPICE, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), has collaborated with numerous Stanford-affiliated organizations on educational programs. One of the most meaningful and significant collaborations has been with TeachAids, an award-winning global leader in designing, producing, and distributing research-based health education. With programs used in 82 countries, TeachAids released its newest product, CrashCourse, seeking to decrease the stigma surrounding concussion reporting and empower youth athletes with much needed knowledge. All TeachAids education content is available for free.

The SPICE staff highly encourages teachers in SPICE’s network to access the CrashCourse Concussion Education content and share it with their colleagues in their school’s science-, health-, and sports-related programs. The following is noted on CrashCourse’s main webpage:

One in five high school athletes will get a concussion. With proper care, most concussions can heal within 10 days, but the overwhelming majority of students, parents, and coaches are unaware of the latest science about prevention and treatment of concussions. If not treated properly, a concussion may have lasting physical, emotional, and cognitive effects.

Since many schools are now in the midst of football season, this is an ideal time to raise awareness of the prevention and treatment of concussions. In particular, the content will be especially helpful if it can be shared with the school’s athletic or health leadership. In less than a year, CrashCourse has gained great momentum and recognition throughout the country with leading organizations such as Pop Warner, USA Synchro, and USA Football (which offers free Certification for CrashCourse content) using the content to educate their young athletes and larger sports communities (ABC, Fox, CBS).

Through our special partnership, SPICE will be distributing all CrashCourse products for free to our network of more than 10,000 schools reaching all major school districts in the United States.

The CrashCourse initiative was developed under the leadership of TeachAids Founder and Adjunct Affiliate at FSI’s Center for Health Policy Dr. Piya Sorcar. Several other Stanford faculty members affiliated with FSI—including Dr. Douglas Owens, Director of Stanford Health Policy, Dr. Lee Sanders, Chief of General Pediatrics, and Dr. Paul Wise, Richard E. Behrman Professor of Child Health and Society—have served as close advisors for TeachAids so teachers can feel extremely confident in its products. CrashCourse is an excellent example of “engagement beyond our university,” which is one of Stanford’s four long-range planning key areas.

SPICE looks forward to continuing its partnership with TeachAids as both organizations strive to continue to make Stanford scholarship accessible to students not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world.


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Early Childhood Development Takes Center Stage in China: Questions & Answer with Scott Rozelle and James Heckman


【编者按】2018年11月17日,詹姆斯·赫克曼(James J. Heckman)教授在西安召开的“2018年儿童早期发展国际论坛”上发表主旨演讲,出席会议的有来自世界各地和中国各地的政要和顶尖学者。赫克曼教授就儿童早期发展(ECD)质量对生活在贫困和富裕社区的婴幼儿的重要性进行了广泛和深入的概述。他在演讲中阐明儿童早期发展质量对一个人的童年及其终生的健康、经济和社会性结果都有重大影响。高质量的儿童早期发展项目对整个社会的影响也是巨大的。他特别强调了儿童早期发展的经济学意义,认为政府投资弱势儿童的早期发展,其社会回报率非常高。赫克曼教授借鉴了世界各地的研究成果,包括他自己以及美国和其他发达国家的其他学者的研究成果。


演讲结束后,他与会议组织团队进行了座谈,回答了关于他的研究以及其他科学家和社会科学家近期研究的一些基本问题。问答阶段的总目标是总结儿童早期发展对国家发展的重要性以及决策者在这一进程中的作用。在可能的情况下,赫克曼教授尝试从国际文献中为中国案例提供经验与启示。与詹姆斯·赫克曼教授的问答,由罗斯高(Scott Rozelle)教授主要负责。问答后附有对“赫克曼曲线”的简要述评。


Read the full story here.

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Laura Jonsson is a Stanford undergraduate student, Class of 2020, majoring in human biology and hoping to minor in education and Middle Eastern literature, languages, and cultural.  
As a REAP student intern in 2017 Laura traveled to Xi’an, China where she spent three weeks working with families and babies supporting our Parenting the Future project. During her time in the field it became evident that Laura was passionate about early childhood development. Speaking four languages, with Mandarin being one of them, Laura quickly took to the field and seamlessly engaged with families and researchers alike. This spring, Laura returns to the field, but this time leading her own research project looking into language acquisition and language environments in rural China. The following Q&A dives into Laura’s story and research journey with REAP.
REAP Laura Jonnson 4
I know your research interest in early childhood development grew after interning with REAP, but what first sparked your interest in early childhood development and language acquisition?
I first became interested in child development when I was working in Beijing during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. I was working for a non-profit called Care for Children that works with the foster care system and orphanages in rural China to place orphans in local families through a foster care model to help integrate them into the community and provide them with a grounded family life. 
Really, I’ve always been interested in China, children, and nurturing, and language has always been a big part of my life. I grew up moving every couple of years and can speak 4 languages, so I’ve always been interested in how children learn languages. This project is basically a synthesis of my personal experience living and then working in China, growing up abroad, learning different languages, and my academic experience working in a language acquisition lab this summer. So, it’s essentially all of my favorite curiosities and interests combined into one project.
What’s the motivation behind your research project?
The motivation behind the project is to have a better understanding of what a rural Chinese child hears at home. We at REAP have studied rates of language delay and also associated rates of cognitive delay but using this instrument of a [LENA] audio recorder will be the first time we get to hear into the lives of these children and I think that will illuminate patterns in language environments at home and also how language abilities grow overtime, from March to August.
So what will you be doing in the field over spring break? 

REAP Laura Jonnson 3

Language develops naturally over time, but what we’re hoping to illuminate is how the language environment of a couple of families might be richer than another, showing a better trajectory of language acquisition. 

So, we will be contacting families who are currently not a part of any other REAP project and collecting a full day of audio recording [using a small LENA recording device attached to the baby’s clothing], as well as [conducting] a MacArthur-Bates CDI, which is a parent report measure of language development, from each family. [We’ll collect this data] at "time point one" in March, and then again at "time point two" in the summer, in order to show the growth of language development as a result of the [varying degrees of each] caregiver’s rich language environment. 
What do you expect the data will tell you?
Given what we know about parenting behaviors in rural families, I honestly expect the data will show that caregivers do not talk to their children all that often. Observing family environments in the population before has shown me that children are typically fed and cared for deeply but are typically not spoken to or read to that much, which is what's causing a lot of the language delay. I'm also hoping it will illuminate patterns of what good rich language looks like in this population.

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How do you think your research could affect future investigations and interventions? 
I think it will help us better understand the current status of language delay and could even become part of the [REAP] parenting center curriculum - a focus on language acquisition and what rich talk sounds like and looks like. 
How do you think this project will influence your future career plans?
I know I want to be working with kids [in the future] and I think this project will help me figure out if I want to be working at the level of individual, listening to one child at a time, or if I want to be working at the level of populations, and I think this project lends itself to both of those. 
Written by Heather Rahimi, REAP Communications Associate. 
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Beth Duff-Brown
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The United States is the only country in the 35-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that offers no paid leave to new mothers. The U.S. also has relatively poor infant health ratings, particularly for preterm births and infant mortality.

So why has the federal government been so reluctant to join other industrialized nations in paying new mothers to stay at home so they can nurture and nourish these new citizens?

“There’s opposition from business interests arguing that any type of mandate on employers imposes too large costs, especially for small businesses,” said Stanford Health Policy’s Maya Rossin-Slater. “There’s not much empirical evidence supporting this argument, but I think the strong political opposition from business supporters may be a central reason for a lack of action on the federal level.”

In a policy brief published March 28 in Health Affairs, Rossin-Slater, an assistant professor of health research and policy, lays out the evidence that suggests the introduction of paid family leave (PFL) for up to one year in duration may yield significant child and maternal health benefits, both in the short and long term. Her co-author on the brief is Lindsey Uniat, a predoctoral research fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.

“Existing research suggests that when leave is paid, take-up rates are higher among low-income and disadvantaged families than when it is unpaid, which enables more families to benefit,” they wrote.

Some of the short- and long-term health benefits include decreased incidence of low birthweight and preterm births, increased breast-feeding, reduced rates of hospitalizations among infants and improved maternal health.

Family and Medical Leave Act

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 provides 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave with continued health insurance coverage to attend to a newborn or adopted child, a family member, or an employee’s own serious health condition. There are strict eligibility requirements for the FMLA, such as needing to have worked at least 1,250 hours for an employer with 50 or more employees during the 12 months before the start of the leave.

The most recent data, according to the authors, indicate that only about 60 percent of private-sector workers are eligible for FMLA, and 46 percent of those eligible report not being able to afford taking unpaid time off work.

Six states and the District of Columbia have passed paid family leave policies, and the issue has been receiving attention at both state and federal levels in recent years. California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, as well as Puerto Rico, have State Disability Insurance (SDI), which provides partial wage-replaced leave for workers with temporary disabilities and for mothers preparing for and recovering from childbirth. These policies offer up to six weeks of leave postpartum for vaginal deliveries and eight weeks for C-section deliveries.

“The majority of existing research on the health effects of PFL focuses on children’s outcomes,” the authors write. Earlier work on the impacts of unpaid leave provided through the FMLA shows that it led to small increases in birthweight and large reductions in infant mortality rates.

However, these health benefits were apparent only for children of relatively advantaged mothers, the authors wrote, which is consistent with prior evidence that such mothers were most likely to be eligible for, and able to afford to use, unpaid leave.

“In contrast, mothers and children from less advantaged backgrounds particularly benefit from access to paid leave,” they said, noting that one study showed that the introduction of paid maternity leave through the SDI system in five states led to a reduction in the share of low birthweight and preterm births, especially for unmarried and black mothers.

Rossin-Slater and Uniat believe paid family leave may affect population health through multiple channels:

  • Children of parents who take leave may receive more parental care, breast-feeding and immunizations if parents are able to stay home longer after birth;
  • Child health may improve from the extra resources that parents get form PFL benefits, such as more nutritious food;
  • Infant and long-term health outcomes may improve if PFL access lowers maternal stress during pregnancy, perhaps due to increased financial and job security;
  • Taking time off from work without the financial strain may improve the parental bond with the infant — leading to long-term health benefits for the child.

The Labor Market

Finally, existing research indicates that paid family leave may benefit the labor market by leading to fewer high-school dropouts, thus an increase in children’s future wages.

“Several policy takeaways are evidence from the research to date,” the authors wrote. “Paid leave, in contrast to unpaid leave, increases leave usage and duration, especially among disadvantaged parents who are least able to afford unpaid time off.”

More research is needed, they said, to understand how paid family leave legislation could impact employers.

“We know little about how employers deal with work interruptions due to employees’ taking leave or whether employers respond to PFL mandates by changing their own benefits packages, hiring practices, or other aspects of jobs,” they said.


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The cholera response in Yemen was and remains extremely complicated and challenging for a variety of political, security, cultural, and environmental reasons. The study team recognizes these challenges and commends the government, international and national organizations, and the donors for working to find solutions in such a difficult context. There are no easy fixes to these challenges, and the conclusions and recommendations are meant to be constructive and practical, taking into account the extreme limitations of working in Yemen during an active conflict. The findings were consistent across respondents and methods. The study team found that several areas gained strength throughout the second wave, including: an extensive operational footprint which reached into insecure areas; the strengthening of the collaborations between WHO and UNICEF and the health and WASH clusters; the initiation of a funding mechanism through the World Bank which enabled a timely response at scale; the revitalization of the WASH strategy; and, eventual consensus and use of OCV. Conversely, the major gaps of this response are rooted in weaknesses in preparedness and the early strategies developed in the first wave. An after-action review after the first wave could have institutionalized these areas in order to prevent a much larger second wave. The World Bank’s commitment to the cholera response provides the rationale for major investment in bolstering the preparedness activities in Yemen and other conflictaffected contexts which would go far for addressing the foundational gaps discussed in this case study.

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Working Papers
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Paul H. Wise

China’s rapid urbanization in the past several decades have been accompanied by rural labor migration. An important question that has emerged is whether rural labor migration has a positive or negative impact on the depressive symptoms of children left behind in the countryside by their migrating parents. This paper uses a nationally representative panel dataset to investigate whether parental migration impacts the prevalence of depressive symptoms among left-behind children in China. Using DID and PSM-DID methods, our results show that parental migration significantly increases the depression scores of 10 and 11-year-old children by 2 points using the CES-D depression scale. Furthermore, we also find that the negative effect of decreased parental care is stronger than the positive effect of increased income in terms of determining the depressive symptoms status of children in rural China.

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Journal Articles
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mi Zhou
Xiaotong Sun
Li Huang
Guangsheng Zhang
Emma Auden
Scott Rozelle

China’s competitive education system has produced notably high learning outcomes, but they may be costly. One potential cost is high levels of anxiety. China has launched several initiatives aimed at improving student mental health. However, little is known about how effective these programs and policies are. The goal of this paper is to examine anxiety levels among children and adolescents in rural China, and to identify which subpopulations are particularly vulnerable to anxiety. Data are aggregated from ten different school-­‐‑level surveys conducted in rural areas of five provinces between 2008 and 2015. In total, 50,361 students were evaluated using a 100-­‐‑item, 9-­‐‑subcategory Mental Health Test (a variation of the Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale). Seven 21 percent of students were at risk for overall anxiety. However, over half of students were at risk for at least one subcategory of anxiety. Students at higher risk for anxiety included students from poorer counties and families, female students, secondary students, and students with lower levels of academic performance. Many students in rural China are at risk for anxiety, and certain student subpopulations are particularly vulnerable. We suggest that China’s government review and update student mental health programs and policies.

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Publication Type
Journal Articles
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Journal Publisher
Environmental Health and Research
Hongyan Liu, Yaojiang Shi, Emma Auden
Scott Rozelle
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