Comparative effectiveness research

Background: Prisons of the former Soviet Union (FSU) have high rates of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and are thought to drive general population tuberculosis (TB) epidemics. Effective prison case detection, though employing more expensive technologies, may reduce long-term treatment costs and slow MDR-TB transmission.

Methods and Findings: We developed a dynamic transmission model of TB and drug resistance matched to the epidemiology and costs in FSU prisons. We evaluated eight strategies for TB screening and diagnosis involving, alone or in combination, self-referral, symptom screening, mass miniature radiography (MMR), and sputum PCR with probes for rifampin resistance (Xpert MTB/RIF). Over a 10-y horizon, we projected costs, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and TB and MDR-TB prevalence. Using sputum PCR as an annual primary screening tool among the general prison population most effectively reduced overall TB prevalence (from 2.78% to 2.31%) and MDR-TB prevalence (from 0.74% to 0.63%), and cost US$543/QALY for additional QALYs gained compared to MMR screening with sputum PCR reserved for rapid detection of MDR-TB. Adding sputum PCR to the currently used strategy of annual MMR screening was cost-saving over 10 y compared to MMR screening alone, but produced only a modest reduction in MDR-TB prevalence (from 0.74% to 0.69%) and had minimal effect on overall TB prevalence (from 2.78% to 2.74%). Strategies based on symptom screening alone were less effective and more expensive than MMR-based strategies. Study limitations included scarce primary TB time-series data in FSU prisons and uncertainties regarding screening test characteristics.

Conclusions: In prisons of the FSU, annual screening of the general inmate population with sputum PCR most effectively reduces TB and MDR-TB prevalence, doing so cost-effectively. If this approach is not feasible, the current strategy of annual MMR is both more effective and less expensive than strategies using self-referral or symptom screening alone, and the addition of sputum PCR for rapid MDR-TB detection may be cost-saving over time. 

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PLoS Medicine
Winetsky DE
Negoescu DM
Almukhamedova O
DeMarchis E
Dooronbekova A
Pulatov D
Vezhnina N
Zhussupov B
Douglas K. Owens
Douglas K. Owens
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
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Annals of Internal Medicine
Juusola, J.L.
Margaret L. Brandeau
Douglas K. Owens
Douglas K. Owens
Eran Bendavid
Eran Bendavid
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PLoS One
Cipriano, L.E.
Zaric, G.S.
Mark Holodniy
Eran Bendavid
Eran Bendavid
Douglas K. Owens
Douglas K. Owens
Margaret L. Brandeau

Background and Aims

Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) is a liver disease affecting over 3 million Americans. Liver biopsy is the gold standard for assessing liver fibrosis and is used as a benchmark for initiating treatment, though it is expensive and carries risks of complications. FibroTest is a non-invasive biomarker assay for fibrosis, proposed as a screening alternative to biopsy.


We assessed the cost-effectiveness of FibroTest and liver biopsy used alone or sequentially for six strategies followed by treatment of eligible U.S. patients: FibroTest only; FibroTest with liver biopsy for ambiguous results; FibroTest followed by biopsy to rule in; or to rule out significant fibrosis; biopsy only (recommended practice); and treatment without screening. We developed a Markov model of chronic HCV that tracks fibrosis progression. Outcomes were expressed as expected lifetime costs (2009 USD), quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER).


Treatment of chronic HCV without fibrosis screening is preferred for both men and women. For genotype 1 patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, the ICERs are $5,400/QALY (men) and $6,300/QALY (women) compared to FibroTest only; the ICERs increase to $27,200/QALY (men) and $30,000/QALY (women) with the addition of telaprevir. For genotypes 2 and 3, treatment is more effective and less costly than all alternatives. In clinical settings where testing is required prior to treatment, FibroTest only is more effective and less costly than liver biopsy. These results are robust to multi-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses.


Early treatment of chronic HCV is superior to the other fibrosis screening strategies. In clinical settings where testing is required, FibroTest screening is a cost-effective alternative to liver biopsy.

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PLoS One
Shan Liu
Michaël Schwarzinger
Fabrice Carrat
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert



Inflammatory bowel diseases are costly chronic gastrointestinal diseases. We aimed to determine whether immediate colectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastamosis (IPAA) after diagnosis of severe ulcerative colitis (UC) was cost-effective compared to the standard medical therapy.


We created a Markov model simulating 2 cohorts of 21-year-old patients with severe UC, following them until 100 years of age or death, comparing early colectomy with IPAA strategy to the standard medical therapy strategy. Deterministic and probabilistic analyses were performed.


Standard medical care accrued a discounted lifetime cost of $236,370 per patient. In contrast, early colectomy with IPAA accrued a discounted lifetime cost of $147,763 per patient. Lifetime quality-adjusted life-years gained (QALY-gained) for standard medical therapy was 20.78, while QALY-gained for early colectomy with IPAA was 20.72. The resulting incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (Δcosts/ΔQALY) was approximately $1.5 million per QALY-gained. Results were robust to one-way sensitivity analyses for all variables in the model. Quality-of-life after colectomy with IPAA was the most sensitive variable impacting cost-effectiveness. A low utility value of less than 0.7 after colectomy with IPAA was necessary for the colectomy with IPAA strategy to be cost-ineffective.


Under the appropriate clinical settings, early colectomy with IPAA after diagnosis of severe UC reduces health care expenditures and provides comparable quality of life compared to exhaustive standard medical therapy.

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Ann Surg
KT Park
KT Park
R Tsai
F Perez
LE Cipriano
D Bass
AM Garber
Ruthann Richter
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A once-a-day pill to help prevent HIV infection could significantly reduce the spread of AIDS, but only makes economic sense if used in select, high-risk groups, Stanford researchers conclude in a new study.

The researchers looked at the cost-effectiveness of the combination drug tenofovir-emtricitabine, which was found in a landmark 2010 trial to reduce an individual’s risk of HIV infection by 44 percent when taken daily. Patients who were particularly faithful about taking the drug reduced their risk to an even greater extent – by 73 percent.

The results generated so much interest that the Stanford researchers decided to see if it would be cost-effective to prescribe the pill daily in large populations, a prevention technique known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.

They created an economic model focused on gay men, as they account for more than half of the estimated 56,000 new infections annually in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Promoting PrEP to all men who have sex with men could be prohibitively expensive,” said Jessie Juusola, a PhD candidate in management science and engineering in the School of Engineering and first author of the study. “Adopting it for men who have sex with men at high risk of acquiring HIV, however, is an investment with good value that does not break the bank.”

For instance, using the pill in the general population of gay men would cost $495 billion over 20 years, compared to $85 billion when targeted to those at particularly high risk, the researchers found. The study will be published in the April 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Senior author Eran Bendavid, an affiliate of Stanford Health Policy at the Freeman Spogli Institute, said the results are a departure from a previous study. Earlier research found PrEP was not cost-effective when compared with other commonly accepted prevention programs.

The new Stanford study differs in a few important respects, taking into consideration the decline in transmission rates over time as more individuals take the pill. The Stanford team also assumed individuals would stop taking PrEP after 20 years, not stay on the drug for life, as the previous study had assumed.

The pill combination, marketed under the brand name Truvada, is widely used for treating HIV infection. But it wasn’t until a landmark trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in November 2010, that individuals and their doctors began to seriously consider using the drug as a preventive therapy. The drug’s maker, Foster City, Calif.-based Gilead Sciences Inc., has filed a supplemental new drug application to market it for prevention purposes.

The CDC issued interim guidelines on the drug’s use in January 2011, suggesting that if practitioners prescribe it as a preventive measure, they regularly monitor patients for side effects and counsel them about adherence, condom use and other methods to reduce their risk of infection.

In developing their model, the Stanford researchers took into account the cost of the drug – about $26 a day, or almost $10,000 a year – as well as the expenses for physician visits, periodic monitoring of kidney function affected by the drug, and regular testing for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

“We’re talking about giving uninfected people a drug that has some toxicities, so it’s crucial to have them monitored regularly,” said Bendavid, who is an assistant professor of medicine in Stanford’s School of Medicine.

Without PrEP, the researchers calculated there would be more than 490,000 new infections among gay men in the United States in the next 20 years. If just 20 percent of these men took the pill daily, there would be nearly 63,000 fewer infections.

However, the costs are substantial. Use of the drug by 20 percent of gay men would cost $98 billion over 20 years; if every man in this group took PrEP for 20 years, the costs would be a staggering $495 billion.

Given these figures, the researchers looked at the option of giving PrEP only to men who are at high risk – those who have five or more sexual partners in a year. If just 20 percent of these high-risk individuals took the drug, 41,000 new infections would be prevented over 20 years at a cost of about $16.6 billion.

At less than $50,000 per quality-adjusted life year gained (a measure of how long people live and their quality of life), that strategy represents relatively good value, according to Juusola.

“However, even though it provides good value, it is still very expensive,” she said. “In the current health care climate, PrEP’s costs may become prohibitive, especially given the other competing priorities for HIV resources, such as providing treatment for infected individuals.”

She said the costs could be significantly reduced if the pill is found to be effective when used intermittently, rather than on a daily basis. Current trials are examining the effectiveness of the drug when used less often.

Other co-authors are Margaret L. Brandeau, the Coleman F. Fung Professor of Engineering, and Douglas K. Owens, the Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Professor at Stanford and senior investigator at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. Owens also is director of Stanford’s Center for Health Policy and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs and supported by Stanford’s departments of Medicine and Management Science and Engineering.

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Yan Mei
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The cloud offers game-changing opportunities for start-ups to large enterprises, if entrepreneurs and enterprise leaders know how best to harness its power. A panel of cloud computing experts shared their wealth of experience to a full house at the special event on Innovation in the Cloud: How Cloud Computing is Changing the Landscape of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, organized by the Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE) in partnership with China America Innovation Network (CHAIN).

In this featured panel discussion at the Stanford Graduate School of Business for Stanford's Entrepreneurship Week 2012, the panel shared insights on cloud computing technology changes, enterprise transformation, business model innovation, investor strategies, and market opportunities, with more than 200 Stanford students, faculty, entrepreneurs and Valley professionals.

The panel was composed of serial entrepreneur Jim Dai, CEO of CalmSea, IT expert Sam Ghods, vice president of technology at, marketing expert Ken Oestreich, senior director of cloud and virtualization marketing at EMC, and investor Cindy Padnos, founder and managing director of Illuminate Ventures. Robert Scoble, startup liaison officer at Rackspace and a technical evangelist, moderated the discussion.

The panelists acknowledged that users had grown to accept everything could be virtual, and cloud is radically changing the face of enterprise strategy, processes, and outcomes. Cloud computing can dramatically decrease timelines and investment costs which encourages flexible growth and experimentation by rapid iteration. This shift, together with cloud computing’s cost effectiveness, strongly favors the way start-ups work.

For entrepreneurs, one piece of good news is that cloud allows smaller firms to compete with big players in new ways. This trend has also prompted the rise of micro VCs, with typical investments of $100,000 to $500,000. While SMEs continue to embrace cloud-based services, how large enterprises adapt and evolve the cloud market will remain interesting.

Stanford Entrepreneurship Week 2012 takes place February 27 through March 7. This collection of over 30 events is hosted by the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network (SEN), a federation of programs, student groups and organizations supporting entrepreneurship in the Stanford community.

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Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus is difficult to treat and affects approximately 3 million Americans. Protease inhibitors increase the effectiveness of standard therapy, but they are costly. A genetic assay may identify patients most likely to benefit from this treatment advance.

Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of new protease inhibitors and an interleukin (IL)–28B genotyping assay for treating chronic hepatitis C virus.

Design: Decision-analytic Markov model.

Data Sources: Published literature and expert opinion.

Target Population: Treatment-naive patients with chronic, genotype 1 hepatitis C virus monoinfection.

Time Horizon: Lifetime.

Perspective: Societal.

Intervention: Strategies are defined by the use of IL-28B genotyping and type of treatment (standard therapy [pegylated interferon with ribavirin]; triple therapy [standard therapy and a protease inhibitor]). Interleukin-28B–guided triple therapy stratifies patients with CC genotypes to standard therapy and those with non-CC types to triple therapy.

Outcome Measures: Discounted costs (in 2010 U.S. dollars) and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs); incremental cost-effectiveness ratios.

Results of Base-Case Analysis: For patients with mild and advanced fibrosis, universal triple therapy reduced the lifetime risk for hepatocellular carcinoma by 38% and 28%, respectively, and increased quality-adjusted life expectancy by 3% and 8%, respectively, compared with standard therapy. Gains from IL-28B–guided triple therapy were smaller. If the protease inhibitor costs $1100 per week, universal triple therapy costs $102 600 per QALY (mild fibrosis) or $51 500 per QALY (advanced fibrosis) compared with IL-28B–guided triple therapy and $70 100 per QALY (mild fibrosis) and $36 300 per QALY (advanced fibrosis) compared with standard therapy.

Results of Sensitivity Analysis: Results were sensitive to the cost of protease inhibitors and treatment adherence rates.

Limitation: Data on the long-term comparative effectiveness of the new protease inhibitors are lacking.

Conclusion: Both universal triple therapy and IL-28B–guided triple therapy are cost-effective when the least-expensive protease inhibitor are used for patients with advanced fibrosis.

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Journal Articles
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Journal Publisher
Annals of Internal Medicine
Shan Liu
Lauren E. Cipriano
Mark Holodniy
Douglas K. Owens
Douglas K. Owens
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
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