Climate change
Mark C. Thurber
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The Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) are partnering on an Impact Lab to design and implement next-generation policies and regulations that support California's ambitious renewable energy goals. “Public support for aggressive climate action in California could decline if there are adverse grid reliability and cost implications from pursuing these goals,” said Frank Wolak, professor of economics and director of PESD. Wolak and the PESD team are working with the CPUC to develop: 1) policies to ensure resource adequacy with a very high share of intermittent renewable energy, 2) distribution pricing to support cost-effective and equitable renewable energy deployment, and 3) transmission planning frameworks that are robust to high wind and solar shares as well as future climate impacts. Read more (fifth white box near the bottom)

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Recent dramatic and deadly increases in global wildfire activity have increased attention on the causes of wildfires, their consequences, and how risk from fire might be mitigated. Here we bring together data on the changing risk and societal burden of wildfire in the US. We estimate that nearly 50 million homes are currently in the wildland-urban interface in the US, a number increasing by 1 million houses every 3 years. Using a statistical model that links satellite-based fire and smoke data to pollution monitoring stations, we estimate that wildfires have accounted for up to 25% of PM2.5 in recent years across the US, and up to half in some Western regions. We then show that ambient exposure to smoke-based PM2.5 does not follow traditional socioeconomic exposure gradients. Finally, using stylized scenarios, we show that fuels management interventions have large but uncertain impacts on health outcomes, and that future health impacts from climate-change-induced wildfire smoke could approach projected overall increases in temperature-related mortality from climate change. We draw lessons for research and policy.

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The National Bureau of Economic Research
Marshall Burke
Jennifer Burney
Sam Heft-Neal
Jenny Xue
Michael Wara
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On June 3, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) Director Frank Wolak participated as one of three energy experts in a virtual panel discussion evaluating the pros and cons of proposed “reach codes”  banning natural gas in the city of Los Altos, California.  The panel discussion - "Mandating All Electric:  Is Banning Natural Gas Really The Answer?" - was organized by a group of Los Altos residents who believe city residents’ voices need to be considered in government decisions. 

Reach codes are being considered for all new residential and commercial building construction, and all “scrape” remodels in the city.  A reach code is a local building energy code that reaches beyond the state minimum requirements for energy and its use in building design and construction. These codes facilitate local government’s efforts focused on clean air, climate solutions, and renewable energy economics.

Recorded discussion

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Sandra Feder
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Rashid Al-Abri did not anticipate that one of the most impactful classes he would take at Stanford his first year would be about threats to human existence. But now that he is one of only a few hundred students remaining on campus due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the existential threat of a pandemic – one of the four threats outlined in the freshman course Preventing Human Extinction – is easier to conceive.

Read the rest at Stanford News

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CISAC senior fellows Stephen Luby, professor of medicine, and Paul N. Edwards, director of the Program in Science, Technology and Society, teach plausible scenarios that could result in human extinction within the next 100 years. Suddenly, the danger feels less hypothetical.


We report on an economic experiment that compares outcomes in electricity markets subject to carbon-tax and cap-and-trade policies. Under conditions of uncertainty, price-based and quantity-based policy instruments cannot be truly equivalent, so we compared three matched carbon-tax/cap-and-trade pairs with equivalent emissions targets, mean emissions, and mean carbon prices, respectively. Across these matched pairs, the cap-and-trade mechanism produced much higher wholesale electricity prices (38.5% to 52.6% higher) and lower total electricity production (2.5% to 4.0% lower) than the \equivalent" carbon tax, without any lower carbon emissions. Market participants who forecast a lower price of carbon in the cap-and-trade games ran their units more than those who forecast a higher price of carbon, which caused emissions from the dirtiest generating units (Coal and Gas Peakers) to be signicantly higher (15.2% to 33.0%) than in the carbon tax games. These merit order \mistakes" in the cap-and-trade games suggest an important advantage of the carbon tax as policy: namely, that the cost of carbon can treated by rms as a known input to production.

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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Trevor L. Davis
Trevor L. Davis
Mark C. Thurber
Mark C. Thurber
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Any mention of climate policy was noticeably missing from President Obama's recent state of the union address. This is unfortunate because every day of inaction on climate policy by the United States government is another day that American consumers must pay substantially higher prices for products derived from crude oil, such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Moreover, a substantial fraction of the revenues from these higher prices goes to governments of countries that the US would prefer not to support.

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The Guardian
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global demand for coal has experienced a significant drop - and air quality has improved accordingly. In a virtual seminar moderated by Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) Director Frank Wolak, PESD Associate Director Mark Thurber offered his assessment on whether the reduced role of coal and other fossil fuels is likely to be permanent, or whether they will emerge stronger than ever when the pandemic is over. Recorded talk

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To maximize environmental benefits from the rollout of its cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions, California should focus on achieving a positive demonstration effect from the program by doing as little as possible to harm the state's economy, as transparently as possible and as fast as possible.


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Sacramento Bee
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Unconventional natural gas and the technologies developed to extract it in the U.S. point to a possible lower carbon energy future for China that can be facilitated through international cooperation between them, improving China's reliance on domestically produced coal, and creating economic and environmental benefits for both countries as well as the rest of the world.

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Boao Review
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak
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