When Authoritarian Legacies Matter: Constructive and Blind National Pride and Voter Turnout in New Democracies
When Authoritarian Legacies Matter: Constructive and Blind National Pride and Voter Turnout in New Democracies

In new democracies, what is the role of nationalism in terms of democratic behavior such as voter turnout? Previous studies have found that, in Western democracies, constructive national pride increases voter turnout, while blind national pride decreases it. However, little scholarly attention has been paid to new democracies. Given different political contexts, the authors argue that blind national pride can boost turnout in some new democracies that have lingering authoritarian legacies. Using the case of South Korea, the authors offer a theory about the relationship between blind national pride and voter turnout. The authors show that, in contrast to the West, blind national pride is positively associated with turnout in South Korea, and that the relationship appears more robust among both older cohorts, who experienced authoritarianism directly in the recent past, and those with conservative ideologies.