Peter Vitousek


Peter Vitousek, PhD

  • Clifford G. Morrison Professor in Population and Resource Studies, Department of Biological Sciences
  • FSI Senior Fellow, by courtesy, FSE Affiliated Faculty

Y2E2 Room 375
473 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305-4205

(650) 725-1866 (voice)
(650) 725-1856 (fax)


Peter Vitousek has been on the faculty at Stanford University since 1984. His research interests include: evaluating the global cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus, and how they are altered by human activity; understanding how the interaction of land and culture contributed to the sustainability of Hawaiian agriculture and society before European contact; and working to make fertilizer applications more efficient and less environmentally damaging (especially in rapidly growing economies). He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was awarded the 2010 Japan Prize. He is director of the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources and co-director of the First Nations Futures Institute. 


Journal Articles
October 2014

Producing more grain with lower environmental costs

Producing more grain with lower environmental costs
Journal Articles
December 2010

Agriculture in Brazil: Impacts, Costs, and Opportunities for a Sustainable Future

Agriculture in Brazil: Impacts, Costs, and Opportunities for a Sustainable Future
Journal Articles
June 2009

Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultural Development

Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultural Development

In The News

china nitrogen fertilizer rice resize

New farming practices can increase yields and lower pollution in China

New farming practices can increase yields and lower pollution in China
science 6 2009

Balancing act in global fertilizer use: Science report

Balancing act in global fertilizer use: Science report