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Paul N. Edwards

A Lead Author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Paul N. Edwards, talks about knowledge infrastructures and geoengineering, as well as policy and visual aspects of the landmark report on climate change.

A Nature survey reveals that many authors of the latest IPCC climate-science report--including Paul N. Edwards--are anxious about the future and expect to see catastrophic changes in their lifetimes.

A map of electric vehicle chargers shows one reason why. Most of America’s 107,000 gas stations can fill several cars every five or 10 minutes at multiple pumps. Not so for electric vehicle chargers – at least not yet.

Stanford scholar Paul N. Edwards served as a lead author and answers questions about the report.

CISAC senior fellows Stephen Luby, professor of medicine, and Paul N. Edwards, director of the Program in Science, Technology and Society, teach plausible scenarios that could result in human extinction within the next 100 years. Suddenly, the danger feels less hypothetical.