Symposium Focuses on Incorporating Global Themes into the Curriculum at Community Colleges

Symposium Focuses on Incorporating Global Themes into the Curriculum at Community Colleges

Community college instructors present at the 2019 EPIC Symposium Community college instructors present their final projects at the 2019 EPIC Symposium at Stanford University Stefanie Pietkiewicz

The 2019 Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC) Symposium brought together community college faculty and administrators from across California to discuss ways to prepare students for an increasingly globalized world.

“Today, more than ever, our students need to be equipped with the critical thinking, communication, socio-emotional, and language skills to work collaboratively with people in the United States and all over the world,” said Dave Dillon, a professor at Grossmont College, who is curating a textbook chapter on cultural competency for use in open educational resources.

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