Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert Appointed to PCORI Methodology Committee
Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert Appointed to PCORI Methodology Committee
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit research organization that seeks to empower patients with actionable information about their health and health-care choices.

Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert has been appointed to the Methodology Committee of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The independent research organization created through the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act funds research to help patients understand the consequences of health-care interventions and choose the ones best for them.
Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD, is a professor of health Policy and faculty affiliate of the Stanford Center on Longevity, as well as co-founder of the SC-COSMO consortium and the Stanford Justice Health Initiative. As a decision scientist and mathematical simulation modeler, his work focuses on complex policy decisions that impact the prevention, detection, treatment and management of diseases, as well as developing better methods for performing such analyses.
“Given its visibility, the work of PCORI’s Methodology Committee has the potential to positively impact the quality of research supported by PCORI and, in fact, many other funders,” Goldhaber-Fiebert said. “I am excited to work with an established group of methodological experts to support this goal.”
Douglas K. Owens, chair of the Department of Health Policy, notes the PCORI Methodology Committee plays a leading role in advancing decision science.
“It’s composed of highly distinguished scholars who have deep methods expertise, and a track record of innovation in methods,” Owens said. “Jeremy has been a leader in methods development throughout his career, and being selected for the committee is recognition of his contributions.”
PCORI — the leading funder of patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research in the country — is unique among research funders in having a board of methodological experts at the highest level of the organization to help ensure the use of optimal methods for the research it supports. The Methodology Committee develops and maintains methodological standards for patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research, as well as helps shape PCORI’s peer review, methodological research and training portfolio.
Steven Goodman, MD, PhD, Stanford professor of epidemiology and of medicine, has been a member of the Methodology Committee since its inception in 2011 and its chair since 2019. He is also the associate dean of clinical and translational research as the Stanford School of Medicine.
“Dr. Goldhaber-Fiebert is a tremendous addition to the committee,” Goodman said. “He brings energy, creativity and a passion for improving biomedical research along with deep expertise; he is exactly what PCORI and the Methodology Committee needs to be a methods leader for the coming decade.”
Goldhaber-Fiebert’s official appointment on the PCORI Methodology Committee begins April 1, 2023.