Dr. Siegfried Hecker named by the Carnegie Corporation of New York on its annual list of Great Immigrants
Dr. Siegfried Hecker named by the Carnegie Corporation of New York on its annual list of Great Immigrants
Carnegie Corporation of New York announced its annual list of Great Immigrants today, honoring 34 naturalized citizens whose influence and actions have strengthened our society and our democracy.
Congratulations to the 2022 Great Immigrants honorees!
Every Fourth of July, Carnegie Corporation of New York celebrates the exemplary contributions of immigrants to American life. In 2022, the Corporation honors 34 naturalized citizens whose contributions and actions have enriched and strengthened our society and our democracy.
The Class of 2022 is comprised of individuals from 32 countries and a wide range of backgrounds. This year, the Corporation is highlighting the work of immigrants who have been leaders in their local communities through their work in education, the arts, law enforcement, public service, health care, and small business ownership, as well as for their contributions as advocates for education equity, climate change, food security, and the homeless.