CPC Experts Submit Comments in Response to Digital Services Act Call
CPC Experts Submit Comments in Response to Digital Services Act Call
The European Commission has sought input via a call for comments, as they evaluate access to data from very large online platforms and very large search engines by researchers, a key measure of the Digital Services Act.

Scholars at the Cyber Policy Center, including members of the Stanford Internet Observatory and Daphne Keller of the Program on Platform Regulation, have responded to the public call for evidence from the European Commission, as they evaluate vetted researchers’ access to data from online platforms and search engines, a key measure of the Digital Services Act.
From the European Commission: "The new framework for vetted researchers’ access to data from very large online platforms and very large search engines is a key measure of the Digital Services Act, to increase platforms’ transparency and accountability. The Commission is to adopt delegated acts to further specify the conditions under which sharing of data should take place and, the purposes for which the data may be used and relevant procedures, taking into account the rights and interests of the actors involved and, if necessary, independent advisory mechanisms."

Response from the Stanford Internet Observatory
SIO's submitted comment re: European Commission’s Digital Services Act

Response from Daphne Keller
Director Program on Platform Regulation
Keller's submitted comment re: European Commission’s Digital Services Act