Research Presentations (session 2 of 5) - Koyanagi, Sasai and Takeuchi
Research Presentations (session 2 of 5) - Koyanagi, Sasai and Takeuchi
Tuesday, May 10, 201610:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Pacific)
Encina Hall, Third Floor, Central, C330
616 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
In this session of the Corporate Affiliates Research Presentations, the following will be presented:
Satoshi Koyanagi, Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry, Japan, "Effectiveness of the Silicon Valley Ecosystem in the Clean-Tech Sector"
The energy sector in the Japanese government faces two big problems. The first is how to achieve the basic principle for the power supply-demand structure – by introducing renewable energy and optimizing energy consumption, this would lower dependency on nuclear power generation. The second problem is how to tackle climate change. The key factor in overcoming both of these problems is the innovation in the clean-tech sector while maintaining international competitiveness and quality of life. In his research, Koyanagi investigates the features of venture capital investments, the features of start-ups in the clean-tech sector and current public support of clean-tech start-ups. He tries to answer the question of “Does the Silicon Valley Ecosystem Work Effectively in the Clean-Tech Sector?” From his research findings, Koyanagi makes some recommendations for the Japanese government to promote innovation in the clean-tech sector.
Tsuneo Sasai, The Asahi Shimbun, "Fostering Entrepreneurship in Japan: A Look at the Personal History of Japanese Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley"
In Japan, the electronic industry has been on the decline for the past 10 years and the automotive industry is facing many new challenges. In order to maintain and develop its scale of economy, Japan needs to increase its number of entrepreneurs who can revitalizes the economy and make innovation happen both inside and outside of Japanese companies.
There is, however, a growing trend of highly motivated young people in Japan interested in start-ups and some have immersed themselves in the Silicon Valley to seek greater business opportunities. Based on his interviews with them, Sasai believes their personal history, including their childhood and what steps they took to create their own start-ups in Silicon Valley, can help explain their entrepreneurial aspirations. In his presentation, Sasai shows how this knowledge can provide useful insights to help Japan develop more entrepreneurs.
Mariko Takeuchi, Sumitomo Corporation, "What is 'Fintech" and what is its Outlook for Japan?"
Financial technology or “Fintech” is a term that, in the last couple of years, has been used often and widely. Most people understand this technology is related to the financial market. However, because the Fintech market is huge, it is difficult to understand exactly what it is and what it can provide to us. Additionally, the wave of Fintech is coming to Japan with several Fintech start-ups emerging recently. In her research, Takeuchi studied the activities of both the U.S. and Japanese governments and traditional financial institutions and how they relate to Fintech. Based on her findings, Takeuchi divides Fintech into twelve categories and shows that the category map between Japanese and U.S. Fintech market is slightly different. In her presentation, she explains the reasons for the difference from the regulations stand-point and provides some insight for the future of Japanese Fintech.