Reflections on Israel at 75

Reflections on Israel at 75

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Bechtel Conference Center
Encina Hall, First floor, Central, S150
616 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
  • Yonatan Eyov,
  • Amichai Magen,
  • Ori Rabinowitz
The Tel Aviv skyline Getty

Join the new Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies program for a panel discussion on democracy in Israel as the country marks its 75th Independence Day. Since its founding in 1948, Israel has established itself as a vibrant democracy and a powerful geopolitical actor on the regional and global stage.

Moderated by Larry Diamond, the Mosbacher Senior Fellow in Global Studies at FSI, the panelists, including Associate Professors Amichai Magen and Or Rabinowitz, and the Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford Yonatan Eyov, will reflect on Israel’s many notable achievements as well as the challenges to its democratic nature.

Meet the Panelists

Yonatan Eyov is the current Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford University. The fellows program is a partnership between the Jewish Agency and Hillel which brings Israeli young adults to college and university campuses around the world to help these environments’ fulfill their role as safe spaces for education, tolerance, and diversity. Eyov hols a bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies from Reichman University.

Yonatan Eyov

Yonatan Eyov

Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at Stanford University
Full Profile

Dr. Amichai Magen is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Program on Democratic Resilience and Development (PDRD) at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Reichman University. He is the inaugural Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies at the Freeman Spogli Institute, where he is continuing his research on limited statehood, governance failures, and political violence in the international system.

Amichai Magen

Amichai Magen

Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies
Full Profile

Dr. Or Rabinowitz is an associate professor at the International Relations Department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. During the academic year of 2022-2023 she holds the post of visiting associate professor at Stanford’s CISAC. Her research interests include nuclear proliferation, intelligence studies, and Israel-U.S. relations.

Or Rabinowitz

Or Rabinowitz

Visiting Scholar at CISAC
Full Profile