The Hoover Institution: Its History, Mission, and Archival Treasures
The Hoover Institution: Its History, Mission, and Archival Treasures
Sunday, May 22, 201610:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Pacific)
Stanford Center at Peking University
5 Yiheyuan Road, Beijing, China
The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace was founded nearly 100 years ago as the Hoover War Library with a donation by Herbert Hoover, who later said, “This Institution is not, and must not be, a mere library, but…must dynamically point the road to peace, to personal freedom, and to the safeguards of the American system.” Since its founding, the Hoover Institution has grown into one of the most prominent global research centers (“think tanks”) and the only one with a world class Library & Archives as its foundation. Today Hoover supports hundreds of fellows in disciplines including economics, history, political science, and the humanities, while maintaining a Library & Archive that is among the largest in the United States with almost 7,000 archival collections in more than 150 languages. The Library & Archives draws over 10,000 visitors annually to its reading rooms, events, exhibits, scholarly conferences and workshops. Eric Wakin, Deputy Director of Hoover and the Robert H. Malott director of its Library & Archives, will discuss the rich history of this unique Institution and where it will be headed in its next hundred years.
Eric Wakin is the deputy director of the Hoover Institution and the Robert H. Malott Director of the Institution’s library and archives, overseeing their strategic direction and operations. Wakin is the author of Anthropology Goes to War: Professional Ethics and Counterinsurgency in Thailand. His current research interest is guns and gun control in the nineteenth-century United States and he is revising a manuscript titled "From Flintlock to ‘Tramps’ Terror’: Guns and Gun Control in Nineteenth-Century New York City.” He has also coauthored a number of walking-tour books and travel guides. Before coming to Hoover, Wakin was the Herbert H. Lehman Curator for American History and the Curator of Manuscripts at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University, where he also taught courses in the History Department on public history, memory and narrative, archives and knowledge, and theory.
Wakin教授为美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所副所长、胡佛研究所图书与档案馆馆长,负责胡佛研究所战略规划和设计。Wakin教授著有《人类学走向战争:泰国的职业伦理与叛乱镇压》(Anthropology Goes to War: Professional Ethics and Counterinsurgency in Thailand.)。他最近的研究方向为19世纪美国的枪支及其管控,正在修订一篇题为《从老式火枪到“流浪汉”的恐惧:19世纪纽约城的枪支及其管控》(From Flintlock to ‘Tramps’ Terror: Guns and Gun Control in Nineteenth-Century New York City)的书稿。任职胡佛研究所之前,Wakin 教授是哥伦比亚大学莱曼美国历史中心主任、哥伦比亚大学珍本与手稿图书馆馆长。同时,他也在哥伦比亚大学历史系教授有关公共历史、记忆与叙事、档案的课程。Wakin教授先后于密西根大学和哥伦比亚大学获得硕士、博士学位,并先后为数十家企业提供企业战略发展、运筹规划的咨询。