The Digital Transformation of Southeast Asia: Issues and Prospects
The Digital Transformation of Southeast Asia: Issues and Prospects
Tuesday, February 22, 20225:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Pacific)
Via Zoom Webinar
The digital transformation of Southeast Asia is in full swing. In 2021, 8 of the 10 ASEAN countries had internet penetration rates higher than those for Asia (64%) and the world (66%). But digital access is unevenly distributed between and within Southeast Asian countries. How are the new technologies impacting the region? Are they helping civil society or the surveillance state—free speech and economic growth or unaccountable concentrations of power and wealth? Are Huawei and the Digital Silk Road creating a future with Chinese characteristics? Who will write the rules of the digital road? How are specific countries coping? What is ASEAN’s role? What should the US do? Two leading experts, Huong Le Thu and Elina Noor, will discuss these and related questions.