Balancing Trust and Safety on End-to-End Encrypted Platforms

Balancing Trust and Safety on End-to-End Encrypted Platforms

Thursday, September 12, 2019
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Stanford, CA

This one day workshop will offered scene setters and allowed for discussion on technical, legal and policy considerations around end-to-end encryption.


8:00-8:30Breakfast and Registration
8:30-9:00Introductions and Welcome Remarks
 Alex Stamos, Director, Stanford Internet Observatory
 Scene Setters: Equities, Proposals and Positions
 Guy Rosen, Vice President of Integrity, Facebook
Jay Sullivan, Director of Messaging Privacy, Facebook
9:30-10:00Victim Safety Advocacy
 Travis Bright, Director of Product, Thorn
Brooke Istook, Director of Strategy and Operations, Thorn
Michelle DeLaune, Chief Operating Officer, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Civil Liberties Advocacy 
Jennifer Granick, Surveillance and Cybersecurity Counsel, ACLU
Erica Portnoy, Staff Technologist, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Kurt Opsahl, General Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation

 Crispin Robinson, Technical Director for Cryptanalysis, GCHQ
Darrin Jones, Assistant Director, Information Technology Infrastructure Division, FBI
11:30-11:45Hong Kong Observations
 Maciej Cegłowski, New Yorker/Pinboard
12:15-1:30Working Lunch - Discussion on equities, red lines and goal setting
1:30-3:30Break-Out Tracks
 The break-outs are to be conducted under Chatham House Rules.

Legal and Policy Track (Annenberg Room)
Chair - Riana Pfefferkorn, Associate Director of Surveillance and Cybersecurity, Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School

Technical Track (LHH Room 101)
Chair - Kate Starbird, Associate Professor, Human Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington; Visiting Associate Professor, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford

3:45-4:30Summary presentations from track leads
4:30-5:00Discussion on next steps, potential collaborations, and moving forward